Chapter 1

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I was wrapped up , cold. I felt like I could barely move. My body was shaking. My eyes stared straight forward, until " HAHAHAHA ". Casey, Seriously this is one of the worst horror movies ever ". " We're half way there, Rebecca " I replied. " We can't just stop now ". " You can't but I can " , replied Rebecca with a provoked face. " Gosh calm down. " We can watch whatever movie you want to watch " I said abrupt , yet sarcastically. She always got angry at me. I feel imprecise saying this but I sometimes feel scared and unnerved around her. I mean I've know her for about 3 years now, but sadly I've NEVER met her parents. I also ask about them, but all she says is that their ALWAYS busy. She also said that they're not very assiduous for her. I always feel bad because my parents are ALWAYS there for me, whenever I need them. " Hey, how about this movie, said Rebecca with a grin ?". " Woah" , I felt bewildered. Did I just zone out? " Yes?... " I replied not knowing if that would have been the right response to whatever she told me. N" Okay, Cabin In The Woods it is". " Phew " I quietly whispered to myself.

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