Bloody Red

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~ Hello Everyone! This is MKDragion and this is the first book I'll be publishing. I wrote this for a project in L.A. Class and decided to publish this. xDDD Please bear with me and I hope you will like my story :) ~

Alfheim Meadows. A large kingdom where all fairy tale characters live in peace such as Goldilocks, Rapunzel, Snow White, Cinderella, and many more. This magical and unbelievable place is ruled by Queen Primrose and King Thomas. This kingdom has flourished greatly over the past decade, growing ever larger and more magical. Right in the center of the kingdom is a large grand castle with many spires that is surrounded by a small river which cuts though the village and into the forest. Surrounding the castle and river are many large and colorful cottages where all the characters live. This lively village is filled with boisterous characters which makes every day seem like a large festival.

In Alfheim Meadows, there lived a girl named Red Riding Hood. Red Riding Hood earned her name when her Grandmother gave her a red cape. She lived with her mother and grandmother in a cottage that lies right at the boundary between the forest and the kingdom. Red Riding Hood is a kind and quiet girl that is naturally loved by everyone. She absolutely loves to spend each day helping someone out or caring for wild animals that stray into her home. After the sun goes down, Red Riding Hood goes to spend her time with her Grandma and Mother, baking cookies and many other pastries.

Directly at the outskirts of Alfheim Meadows was a large forest that surrounded the whole kingdom. Expanding all the way to the neighboring kingdom, this forest was nicknamed Gran Bosque, a Spanish name for big forest. In this forest lived villains from all of the fairy tale stories, who were shunned from the kingdom just because they were the antagonists. Once in a while every few weeks, they are allowed to visit the kingdom to get supplies they would need. The village that the villains lived in was called Nyssa, a place where all of them could live in peace. They lived in houses that were in or on top of the trees and cleverly blended in with the green foliage. Surprisingly, all of the villains were not actually that evil, and manage to get along peacefully and quietly.

Quite a bit away from Nyssa was a small and lone cottage where a wolf named Aidan lives. His cottage is surrounded with trees and flowers that bloomed throughout all of the four seasons. Aidan is a tall boy with short black hair, ears, and tail. The only other color that is stands out is his yellow eyes that seem to pierce through anything, since he always wear black clothes. Aidan is known for being hardy and with a great intellect. One thing that nobody knows about him is that he has a split personality. Once he gets really mad, he turns into a full bodied wolf with paws and everything.

One special thing about Alfheim Meadows and Nyssa is that they only cooperate whenever they need help from each other. Whenever someone from the outside world opens up a book filled with fairy tales, the characters in the story are immediately transported to another place. In this special place, the characters have to act out the story for the reader to be able to understand it and continue on smoothly. This rule was embedded in their minds and has been a part of their everyday lives.

One day, Aidan was watering his plants when he suddenly found himself in a forest and in his wolf form. Oh no... He thought to himself. This is the fifth time we had to act out our story today... Oh well. Aidan padded quietly around while waiting for his turn. "Once upon a time there was a dear little girl who was loved by everyone who looked at her, but most of all by her grandmother, and there was nothing that she would not have given to the child. Once she gave her a little riding hood of red velvet, which suited her so well that she would never wear anything else; so she was always called Little Red Riding Hood." A voice echoed overhead.

Several minutes passed as Red Riding Hood and her mom talked about her grandmother. Red Riding Hood's mother gave her a basket and they said several more lines before bidding farewell to each other. "The grandmother lived out in the wood, half a league from the village, and just as Little Red Riding Hood entered the wood, a wolf met her. Red Riding Hood did not know what a wicked creature he was, and was not at all afraid of him."

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