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Of course, it all starts with the creepy attic. The one that your parents always warn you to never go in. That one room that always collects dust over the years and is home to millions of little creatures. As a kid, you might think this small space is haunted, but as you get older, you realize you parents were just trying to keep you safe. And like normal there are the typical reasons. They don't want you to break anything or god forbid, find the pictures of them during the seventies that they are trying to keep away from human contact.

Now that the years have gone by and I have finally became a parent, that small space is mine for the choosing. After all, it is my house and under my roof I make the rules. Thus, I watch the thick cloud of dust fill the sky as I fling open the latch to the attic door. The thick dust fills my lungs as I let loose a series of deathly coughs. The ones that bring tears to your eyes as you find it hard to breathe.

Finally, the dust in the air dissipates and I look at the black endless pit beyond the stairwell. Momentarily, I question my sanity. Is there even a reason why I'm going to go into the attic besides my own defiance? Of course not, but nothing is going to stop me now, not after I've waited this long.

With a huff, I place my foot on the first step. It squeaks with the pressure and my body stops. My breath slows and I wait for... Anything. A noise? A monster? When nothing happens, I somehow gather the courage to proceed up to the next steps.

My head peeks over the top of the stairwell as I gaze inside. The only problem is that everything is dark. I can barely see a few feet in front of me. The only thing I can see is a small white rope hanging from the ceiling. My hands shake as they move up to tug at the rope with the hope that it will turn on a light.

The rough material meets my hands and I gently tuck. I hear a click before the light flickers on. All too soon a loud pop fills the room and the light disappears. The reappearing darkness causes me to loose my confidence.

I leave the fastest that I have ever gone. It is almost a near sprint as my breath gets choked out of my body. As I hit the first step down, I feel a faint push on my back. A small breeze meets the side of my face, but soon disappears. I am left alone as I meet the bottom of the stairs, but the goosebumps on my skin stay with me.

As fast as I can, I throw up the stairwell back into the attic. Just in time.

"Mommy, what were you doing up there?" Her voice shocks me and I let off a scream. I didn't know she was home from school yet. I could of swore I went into the attic less than an hour ago. It should barely be twelve in the afternoon let alone three when she got out of school.

Blowing that thought out of my mind, I pick my daughter up and swing her in my arms. "Nothing sweetheart, I was just looking for something."

"Do you need me to help you find it?" She asks with the innocence that only a child could have.

"No!" I reply a little bit too harshly. Almost like a scream. Thankfully, those stern words go over her head and she just smiles.

"Okay mommy." I see her looking down back towards the ground and I take that as my cue. I move my arms down and gently set her on the floor.

"So, how was school?" I ask.

"It was great. We got to color."

"That's great honey. Now why don't you run into your room and start on your homework while I get your snack ready."

She nods excitedly. "Okay."

I watch her bounce out of the room. Coloring in third grade, I'll have to talk with her teacher.

After she leaves, I look back at the attic one last time and shiver. Turning around, I quickly leave the room and head towards the kitchen. I walk towards the fridge and open the door. A chilling breeze leaves the small box and hits me in the face. Goosebumps form on my arms once again.

Once I get my fingers to work, I pull out meat and cheese for her sandwich. I gently place it on the counter and turn towards the fridge again. As my hands grab the mayo, I feel a cold chill on the back of my neck. I disregard it for being the chill from the fridge.

A black shadow crosses the corner of my vision. I feel the glass jar of mayo drop from my grasp and it falls to the floor scattering frays of glass.

As I blink the shadow disappears.

"Mara?" I call out into the empty space. No one answers.

As I crouch down to clean up the mess I see another flash. Once again, when I look up, it is gone. I'm​ still alone in the kitchen. I turn back towards the mess on the floor. Something is in the kitchen with me. I may not be able to see it, but I can feel it.

My hand grasps at a shard of glass. I feel it pinch my skin as I hold on to it, desperately. This time when I see the flash I'm prepared. The shard leaves my hand and I watch it fly through the air. It lands right where I want it to go, hitting the monster. I stand perplexed by the being in front of me.

A demon. Its black eyes stare at me with hostility. It has long shiny black hair covering most of its face. It skin is a pale white like it has never walked in the sun.

It seems like forever as I stare at the creature. Only as it moves do I break from my trance. A maroon ooze starts to drip down its face and I see a drop hit the floor. A black tongue escapes its mouth and licks the liquid away from its lips. Quickly the demon's head snaps back at me and it's endless black eyes meet mine. It's mouth opens and I see sharp yellow teeth prod from its jawline. Its mouth opens wider as it starts to let off a ear shattering screech. My body falls to the ground as my hands are tightly covering my ears. The screeching doesn't stop and little black dots appear across my vision. Any longer and it feels like my head is about to explode.

Finally it stops and a small thunk fills the empty sound of the room. I open my eyes and look up to see my daughter slouched on the floor. A shard of glass rests deep between her eyes.

Attic MonstersWhere stories live. Discover now