my journey to you.

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I sit at the back of our camper home. We, me and my family, are on our way to France. Another boring vacation. I asked my parents if I could stay home but again they said that they would be really sad and I know that they would hate me for not going. So here I am, listening to some music while my parents discuss what road is the best to go on. My younger twin brother and sister kate and owen sleeping in the baby seats and my older brother daniel also listening to music. I hear my dad say something through my music so I put my earphones off. "What?" I say. "We're almost there, one and a halve hour to go!" my dad replies. he high fives my mom and they point at the road again. I look at Daniel, I know he didn't want to go either but he decided to go aswell because of the same reason. His ex-girlfriend had just broke up with him and he was pretty sad so I just left him alone.

After one and a halve hour we arrive at a camping. It's in the most beautiful forrest I've ever seen and when I look really close I can see the clear blue water from the lake. I turn off my music and look around. After my dad has checked in we drive to our place. it's so beautiful I whisper to myself. I walk a little around and come the the conclusion that this is the place to be. Suddenly I am so happy that I went in this vacation! I go back to our camper home and help my parents with Kate and Owen. they're just 3 years old and are now in the 'we need attention' phase. I play a while with them in the sandpit next to our place. 

It's around 2 PM when my parents finally arrive with some food! French baguette, my favorite especially with some French cheece on it. simply said delicious! I put Kate and Owen in their chair and sit down myself. "hmmm this is so good "

I say. Suddenly everything seems perfect. I'm in France, eating baguette, the sun shines and it smells so good. I dont know what I exactly smell but to me it's the scent of vacation. I close my eyes to just take this moment of peace and forget about everything else. When I open my eyes again, I see that Kate has thrown her baguette on the ground  and tries to reach for it. "Kate, no don't!" I say. But it's too late. Kate's chair falls and Kate lays on the ground. It suprises me that she isn't crying.  I grab her and put her back in the chair. for some reason my parents always seem to think I am their mom and I am the one who has to take care of them. I love them but I just wish my parents could take some responsibility and let me live my own life.

When we finish lunch me and Daniel suggest to go and see some more from the camping but our parents decide to stay at the camperhome with the twins. Daniel and I start walking around. We're suprised by the fact that this camping is huge and that there are so many little shops. We also find the swimming pool, Footballfield and the playground. In the center of the camping is a sort of circle of shops and it's also the place where all kinds of people hangout with eachother. I see groups of teenagers. At the left side a group of French boys and girl who are talking and kissing. French kissing! A few months ago I broke up with my boyfriend, we had a relationship for three months but at some point he got boring and I decided to dump him. At the very beginning we kissed a lot. We were seen as the 'hottest couple'!

At the right side a bunch of black people were talking and smoking. "probably drugs" I whisper.

"What?" Daniel says. I shake my head and point at the people. Daniel nods and we walk further. We walk through a small forest on the side of the camping. At the end of the forest I see the lake. It's the most beautiful lake I've ever seen and the water is so clear that I can see some fish. "wauw" I gasp. Daniel takes his photocamera and takes some pictures. We walk towards the beach and when we're there we sit in the sand. Just looking at the beautiful vieuw. I dont know for how long we sit there but it starts getting a little darker and colder so I suggest to walk back. Daniel agrees and we go back. there's a big crowd in the shopcircle, we try to walk through but there are too much people pushing back. Daniel stands quit and stares at the center of the circle. Even though I am tall I can't see what's happening.

"what is it?"



A guy in front of me walks away and now I can see what's going on. Two really big lions, a lot of people and a tent, A big tent, a circus tent.

I know Daniel loves lions so I just leave him. I walk further, enjoying the view.

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