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Jayden LV40 341:41
The End

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I awoke in a strange, dark room... As comfortable as i felt, I sat up and felt my head hurt, a lot. I touched the back of my head, And when I looked at my hand I saw some blood.

I chuckled as I got myself back up, I felt like this place was so familiar... But I couldn't put my finger on it. When I felt the wall, and found a light switch. I felt like I, somehow, had a vision.


(flip the switch?)
*yes no

(Nothing happened.)


I decided not to flip the switch and went ahead to the window, I saw a red sky, and some really destroyed buildings. It was a great site. I hit my leg against a nightstand. I opened it and I found some bandaids, and a pocket knife... Perfect. I applied a bandaid to my wound that was on the back of my head.

*Your HP was maxed out!

I had another vision like thing... But this time it was the location of where to get out. I went directly to a door, and opened it. When I opened it, I saw a person. I smirked as I got out my pocket knife, I don't know what's come over me... But I really feel like I need some more EXP... What's exp?..

When she turned around, it was like I remembered her from somewhere, then, a random flash back occurred...

I saw the same girl, that is right in front of me, taking a blow for me by some known figure in armor, and another figure in the background, getting an attack ready. All happening when I was laying on the ground, really beat up.

When that thought left my mind, I shook my head. "P-Please don't hurt me..." She said.

*Billy blocks the way!...

I decided to fight. Her name was yellow, which was weird, but I went for it anyway. I got my pocket knife and sliced her with it.

(//////// )

She got a dagger out and missed all the attacks she threw at me. I chuckled, mocking her, before another thought came to mind... Her name was really familiar, as if I had an old friend by that name... I just can't figure it out.

I got my pocket knife and stabbed her with it once more.

( )

She gave a shocked expression, as she was turned to dust. That dust scattered all over my clothing.

*You won! Gained 20 EXP and 10 gold
*Your LV increased!

I smirked as I walked along. I encountered an unknown enemy, so I went into battle with them.

*Survivor creeps into the field!

I wanted to fight, so I did. I grabbed the dagger the pervious person dropped, and sliced them with it.

(//// )

"Free me from this hell..."

They got a few sharp sticks out and threw them at me, none of them really had any serious effect.

I decided to use the "check" option.

*31 ATK 23 DEF
*Another Random Survivor...

"I've seen true darkness."

They got some sticks, but didn't aim them at me at all. They seemed to have given up.

I got the dagger and stabbed them again.

( )

*You won! Gained 15 EXP and 5 gold

I kept doing the same process, until I came across a weird thing... I was engaged into battle... Until I was greeted... With

*But nobody came

I was taken off of the battle and decided to actually explore. I went to what appeared to be a school, and went inside. When I stepped in, the sound of dripping water caught my attention. I ignore it after realizing it was nothing. I looked at my stats.

LV 5
*52 ATK 34 DEF

I moved along and went upstairs, when I did, I didn't find anything either. So I gave up looking for more people. Until I was greeted by a sort of deformed looking person in armor.

"hOI. I em Tiu. I shell stahp yuo noe, yuo hert a let uf peepol." The guy, who is named Tiu, said while standing in the way. "Cuz of yuor enhumen actetienz. Yuo wiel due."

He got a sword out and I stood there, taking out my dagger.

*Tiu is trying to stop you!
*His fate will be just like the others.

I decided to fight, like always, and swung at him with my dagger.

(////////////////    )

"I dent want tu hert aneune liek u ded... I feel en awfuel vieb wth yu..."

He swung his sword countless times, throwing orange and blue attacks. I all already knew what they meant, as if I was attacked by them before... It was all so... Familiar.

I checked his stats.

*96 ATK 65 DEF
*The next one to be dusted

He swung his weapon another time, but after the swung he took out several darts and shot them at me, I dodged them all.

*Tiu seems worried.

I started to get a little angry, it didn't take me this long to fight another enemy. I stabbed him as much as I could, after I decided to fight.

(//                                 )

"I berly beceme a cebra meber, I half tu pruv whut I cen du!.."

He got out some more darts and used the 3 combination, I dodged them all.

*Tiu doesn't know what he got himself into...
*Finish him off.

I got my dagger for one last swung, I stabbed him, and like that he was defeated.

"O... Em... Dis es embarrsing..."

He was dusted, and the dust blew toward my clothing.

*You won! Gained 350 EXP and 20 Gold

I was waiting for the "Your LV increased!" Part... But nothing happened. So I shrugged it off. I kept moving forward, going downstairs to find another place to go to.

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