Your brilliant!!

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The truth can never be changed nor can the past but you can influence your future, what you do with your life. Never think you are alone; there is someone always there who will care about you no matter what the reason is. Just remember you are loved by everyone and everyone. This might not be important to you but I hope it will help someone who feels down. I feel this way like everything around me is falling apart and I always feel alone and all this pent up anger and frustration needs to be released and the best way to do that is to talk to someone you trust and who you know will understand you no matter the problem. You are beautiful inside and out and people need to see that. Don't conform to stereotypes, don't be anyone but yourself. If you can do that I will do too. Keep your true friends by your side. Do not entrust people with your deepest and darkest secrets if they aren't fully there for you when you fall or consider how you feel when they say things. Stay strong, you are one of a kind, amazing. You can do anything you want to all you have to do is work hard and believe in yourself. I know I know that this sounds super cheesy and is a cliche but this is the truth. Never put yourself down ever and be the person you want to be not someone else.
someone who feels the same

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