Best Friends?

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Brooke's POV:
"We're still gonna go to the park right?" I asked eagerly looking up from my mom to my dad. "Yes Brookie, we're still going to the park." My mom replied as she sipped her coffee. "Good, 'cause I'm not gonna go to school and not have any friends when I get there." "You do know that everyone there is new, right? It's your first year of school."
"So? I want to have someone to talk to. Is that so bad?"
"Well, I guess not."

If you couldn't tell, I'm a small human with a big attitude. My name is Brooke M. Carder and I'm going into Kindergarten. I have brown hair and green eyes that my dad says everyone gets lost in. The reason I want to go the park so badly is that I want a friend. I've never had one before. I am determined to have at least one before we leave the park.

"Alright Brooke, you've got 3 hours. Go have fun." My mom said as she pulled me out of the car. "Alright mama, see you in 3 hours." I run to the playground as fast as can my brown braids rushing behind me. I stop and look around to see who I'm gonna try to be friends and decide on a strawberry blonde girl with hazel eyes and big rectangular glasses. When I walk up to her to she's on the swing about to kick off but I stop her and introduce myself. "Hi, I'm Brooke and I want to be your friend." I put out my hand but she doesnt pit out hers. "I'm Stephanie and I don't want to be yours so beat it." She pushes off and kicks me down as she pumps her legs. I'm pretty sure I got knocked out 'cause that's the last thing I remember before I'm under the playground with a brunette boy about my age looking down at me.

"Are you okay? You took a pretty bad kick to the head." He said handing me a wet handkerchief to put on my forehead which was apparently cut. "Yeah I'm okay. Are all the people around  here like that?"
"Oh, no. Stephanie is a whole different brand of people who thinks she's more important than others because she's from New York unlike the rest of us."
"Oh well, I'm from here but I've stayed in the house so I don't know anybody or have any friends." The boy looked at me and I looked at him. "Well, I'll be your friend. If.. if you want?" I smile a little. "I would love that!"

We got up and walked over to my mom so I could get a bandage and on the way over we introduced ourselves. "I'm Elijah by the way. But you can call me Eli."
"Hi Eli, I'm Brooke." When we got to my mom, she asked what happened and I told her that I was on the swing and fell of and scraped my head on the mulch. She just got me a bandage and asked who the boy was. "Oh this is Eli. He gave me this hankerchief to cleanthecut with. We're friends now." My mom looked at Eli and handed him her hand for him to shake. "Nice to meet you Eli."

My mom tells me I have 2 more hours left and I spend every minute of them with Eli. We introduce his mom to my mom and they give each other there numbers so we can meet up again. Little did we know we would meet up everyday for the next 6 years.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2016 ⏰

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