Chapter 1

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This will always be in readers POV

     I threw the last stack of clothes into my suitcase and sighed. I was finally moving out of this dumb apartment. More of being kicked out of it, the stupid landlord can't handle my "loud" music so fuck me I have no where to go. I walked out the door of my apartment and slammed the door to it causing it to break. (The stupid apartment was cheap. Even the first day I got here my kitchen counter broke in half.) I called out a cab like thirty minutes ago to come pick me up but of course no cab is there waiting for me when I get outside. I looked around. Looking if anyone was outside. Surely no one should be out. It was already dark outside, so when I saw no one outside I suddenly started to fly. I flew back up to "home". I had no where to go and even though I'd be embarrassed...especially since the way I left was well let's just say interesting.

Flash Back

"Your so pathetic. You can't do anything right you stupid excuse for an Winchester!"

"Well guess the fuck what! I'm leaving this damn place and I'm not coming back! Fucking Fuck everyone and everything here!" I yelled as I flipped off the council before slamming the door and leaving.


Yeah my exit from heaven was not very graceful. Heaven came and I was there. I had my hood up. The first person I want to see me is someone I know. I walked around for a minute and of course my luck is that someone trips me, and I fall. Of course that person probably didn't mean to trip me, but I seem to have a short fuse, so I get mad. Very quickly.

"What the hell is your problem!" , I said looking around.

"Now. Look here. It's y/n" , a man said crossing his arms.

"Cas! I-I um...sorry." , I said as he helped me up. He was my best friend. I've known him since I was a kid.

"Didn't think I'd see you here after your exit."

"I got kicked out of my cheap ass apartment and I had no where to go. I have no clue who my brothers are and my dad and mom are dead. So yeah in situations like this I'm screwed over." , I say grabbing my suit case and leaning up against the hallway wall. A depressed puppy looks comes across his face.

"So...what have you been up to other than getting kicked out of your apartment?"

"Hey! Look y/n is back!" , A random yells out. And the obvious reaction of staring to me happens.

"God dammit..." , I whisper clutching my fist.

"Well. Well it's y/n. How you been holding up?" , Chuck says coming over to me and putting his elbow upon my shoulder. I look at his elbow and give him the bitch face. He puts he elbow down. He was scared of me ever since the way I exited heaven. It's funny all mighty god scared of a little angel like me.

"Yeah so um. I'm just gonna go enjoy heaven while I get away from you." , Chuck says leaving quickly.

"He's just mad I kicked his ass." , I say rolling my eyes. Cas laughs.

"That was a pretty funny sight to watch." , Cas starts walking away and signals me to follow.

"We have a meeting later. I'm guessing your not coming." Cas said walking down the rest of the hallway and towards my old room for when I used to live there in heaven. No one ever took my room cause well I drew all over the walls with black sharpie and people here are just to lazy to clean it up. We got to my room and it was exactly the way I left it furniture and all. I smiled and flopped onto my futon and smelled the sheets. I love the smell of my sheets. They always smelled like some kind of tangy fruit. Cas sat down next to me.

"Your room has a lot of...'personality'." , Cas says grinning. I lean up and give him a bitch face.

"Whatever. I love it." , I say throwing the tangy sheets over me.

"Well I have a meeting I got to go to that meeting so are you gonna go?" , Cas says standing up, and looking at me.

"Fine. But don't except me to be "friendly" with anyone" , I say slowly getting up from my futon.

"Never have."

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