Change my Direction

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"We better make our way back to the arena before the concert starts. Hurry up, or I'm leaving without you Ellie" I hear my best friend Lucy say from outside the bathroom door. We are finally here! I've been waiting for this moment for years, just to see Michael Buble live in concert. Just the feeling that he's in the same building as us gives me butterflies and makes my heart beat up and down so fast that I've forgotten that the concert starts in less than 10 minutes.

I have never been able to get tickets to any of his concerts, but I happened to tune onto BBC radio just last week, back home in London, when they were selling Michael Buble *soundcheck* concert tickers for a Melbourne show at Rod Laver Arena. I knew this was my last chance until his concert next year, so I dialled the radio number as quickly as possible, and I was connected through to the radio host almost immediatly! I couldn't believe my luck! So here we are, in the bathroom of Rod Laver Arena, about to walk back to our seats which are right in the middle of the second row from the front of the stage.

This is absolutely amazing! As I wash my hands, I catch myself staring at my face in the mirror. I don't look too bad, with my dark brown hair straightened. I have applied a small amount of black eyeliner and mascara to my dark brown eyes. I'm impressed. This is the first time I have worn makeup on a casual day, and I'm only 17. As I dry my hands and walk out of the restroom, I spot Lucy walking about 20 metres ahead of me. I start speeding up my walking when a blonde boy trips on the stairs in front of me. "Oh my gosh are you alright?" I ask him. His face is facing the ground so I'm not able to read the expression on his face quite yet. He nods his head up and down to signal 'yes'. As he picks himself up, a tall boy with dark, curly hair grabs his arm and asks if he's okay. Wow.

Both of the boys look at me. I've never seen anything or anyone so beautiful in my life. I've had many boyfriends through the years, all who I thought were really gorgeous, but looking at the two of these boys makes the others look like they're nothing. The blonde boy who tripped over is average height, only a few centimetres taller than me, with bright blue eyes and lightly tanned skin. His hair is dark brown at the roots, but his fringe has blonde in it at the front. It's stuck up at the front, and thank god it is because he's so beautiful that you need to take in every single bit of his face before you look away. He's wearing a white polo shirt with black, baggy jeans and white high tops. The curly haired guy has dark, brown, curly hair and his fringe is pushed back off his face. Oh god he's beautiful. His eyes are a gorgeous sea-green colour and his skin is beautifully tanned. He's tall, taller than the blonde boy and wearing a plain black t-shirt, with black skinny jeans and black converse.

They seem to notice me staring at them, with my eyes wide open and my eyes scanning their body when the blonde haired boy speaks.

"Thanks for that by the way, I'm Niall" and he holds his hand out to speak. Oh no, not again. My mouth drops open at his accent. Oh god. He's Irish. His accent is incredibly amusing, more amusing that any other accent that's ever came to my ear.

"No problems" I say and hold out my hand to shake his.

Here I am, looking like the biggest idiot staring at these two boys, shifting my eyes between them, scanning their body and faces. Why did I have to bump into them at the strangest time?

"I'm Harry by the way. Nice to meet you" says the curly haired boy with the most fascinating British accent I've ever heard.

I hear British people all the time. I live right in the heart of London. I moved there when I was 14 after my father was offered a job, so my last three years have been constantly listening to annoying, loud British accents. I was born and raised in Melbourne so I know my way around the city pretty well. This is my first time at Rod Laver Arena though. I had never even thought of going to a concert until I started hearing about Michael Buble.

"Nice to meet you too...really nice" I say, not realising what I let slip out of my mouth.

Harry and Niall both giggle and seeing them smile makes my heart flutter. The light in the arena starts to dim when I snap out of my own thoughts.

"The show is about to start, we should go to our seats" Harry says to Niall.

"What gate do you have to go to?" Niall says to me before Harry walks off.

"Um, I think it's gate 3 but i have to check'' I say while scrambling though my bag.

"Really! we are in gate 3 as well. Well thats if you are in gate 3" Niall says giggling to himself. All I can think about is the sweet sound of his voice.

"Here it is" I say, grabbing the ticket out of my purse. I can't help but smile when when I see gate number 3 on my ticket. "We should go now" Harry says not as politely as the first time.

"Lets get going then" Niall says with the cutest smile I have ever seen.

When we get to the gate, we look for our seats. "no way"  Niall says as they sit down right next to Lucy and I.

"We meet again" Harry says with a small grin on his face.

As soon as I am about to speak, I am interrupted by a really loud "Omg sorry!" to the left of me. I turn around to see my other friend Emme trying to apologise to a man who she has just spilt her drink on. I stand up to go over and try to help but she notices me and gestures for me to sit back down as soon as I stand.

Her tight, black dress sits perfect on her as usual and her straight, dirty blond hair is glowing under the dim light. "Well that was embarracing" she says biting her lip trying not to laugh but I can't help but giggle as her face is bright red. As I giggle, a small snort comes out and Lucy and Niall face me and start laughing.

"That's cute" says Niall with a smirk on his face. I bite my lip and try to prevent myself from melting at how gorgeous he is. I turn to my right and see Harry's mouth wide open and his jaw dropped. I follow his eyes and soon recognise they are leading to Emme.

"Niall, this is Emmerson, but call her Emme. Emme, this is Niall'' I say to break the silence.

"Nice to meet you Emme" he says in a welcoming tone. As he holds out his hand to shake Emme's, I turn and look at her and we are both speechless at his accent. I'm not used to saying Emme speechless because she never shuts up.

"Hey'' is all she manages to say and shakes his hand.

"Emme this is Harry" I say calmly.

"It's nice to meet you" he says and gives her a small smile, her blue eyes are as wide as they can get hearing his english accent.

"Ellie, how is it that you always run into random people at public places and automatically make friends or start a conversation? Like seriously stop being polite and nice. Be more like me, funny, charming and.. well I don't know, just 'Lucy' like."  She says and I can't help but laugh at her stupid remark.

The lights turn off and the show starts.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2013 ⏰

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