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It was the late morning of a warm summer day, and Ivan Braginski, the personification of Russia, was at Feliciano's door. Earlier, Ivan was at a meeting with the Allies and Axis Powers, and realized that his friend, Feliciano, who was the personification of Italy, wasn't there. He mentioned the fact that it was the first time that Feli has ever missed a World Meeting to the rest of the people there, yet no one had the time to pass by his house. Happily, the Russian took the opportunity to see his friend by checking up on him. He knocked on the Italian's door exactly two times and waited for a response.

Feliciano groaned as he heard a pounding on the door and a voice call out. He brought a hand to his throbbing head and pressed his palm against his temple. Slowly he stood up and dizzily made his way to the door.

"I heard you Feli, you must be in there," came a voice from the outside of his house. He knew it was Russia. Feli had to use the wall for support to the door. Why was Russia here? He was scared of the big country and wondered why on earth he was visiting him. "C-coming!" He called out in a raspy voice. He coughed into his arm, trying to muffle it so Russia couldn't hear.He twisted the doorknob and pulled it open.

Ivan looked at the door at it slowly opened. As the door revealed more of the Italian's face, Ivan couldn't help but smile. "Oh Privyet, Feli!," he said, "I just thought I would drop by to see how you are doing." He looked at Feliciano's surprisingly ill body, he looked as if he had a horrible allergy; his face was extremely pale,his messy auburn hair lacked color, and he looked as if he didn't get sleep for four days straight. Ivan looks at him curiously. "However, you seem to look a little under the weather than I would imagine."

"E-eh?N-no! I'm fine, don't worry!" He plastered on a fake smile,using the wall to hold himself up straight. He felt a tickle in his throat, but suppressed the urge to cough. His breathing was uneven and his curl was scrunched up.

"Oh,but I can tell if my fellow friends are sick or not, and I know that you are not feeling so well today, da? Well, I think I will care for you today, since it looks like your brother isn't home." Ivan looked around through the door for any sight of the Italian's older brother.

"N-no, he's at Spain's.. but you really don't need to worry about me!"He said. Right after though, he doubled over coughing harshly. His curl seemed to scrunch up even more. Ivan noticed Feli's sudden painful motion, feeling empathy for the little guy. "Oh no! You seemed to have underestimated your sickness. I definitely have to care for you now." Ivan picked up Feliciano to carry him back into his bedroom, the farthest room in the Italian's house. Felicitated when Russia suddenly picked him up, but he couldn't complain. It was nice he was helping. Besides, he wouldn't have made it two feet. He rested his head on Russia's chest while he made his way up stairs. When they get to his room, Ivan gently sets him down and pulls a blanket over Feli's aching body. The Italian sighed contently at the soft cushions.

"I will make you some soup and hot pirozhki so you can feel better, da?," said Ivan with a smile. Feli turned to face him when he mentioned cooking. "Pirozhki...?" He mumbled. He didn't know what it was, but the tall man must've known what he was doing. He didn't really feel like eating with his churning stomach, but didn't want to say no.

Ivan turned around, not aware of what his friend was mumbling, and headed towards the kitchen. As he looked around, he noticed that Feli had all the ingredients to make the perfect soup for him. He gathered all the ingredients from the counter, drawers, and everywhere else, and began to make the soup and, his personal favorite, pirozhki. He starts to hum his favorite tune ((imagine it being the chorus to"Light My Heart", Ivan's character song)), and suddenly realizes when he cooks the soup that he needed to give Feli medicine.He grabbed the medicine and started to head back to Feli's room.Italy had almost been asleep when Russia entered the room with medicine. "Oh I forgot that you probably need some medicine. Here,open wide", Ivan chuckled, feeding the Italian a spoonful of the medicine. Feli shakily sat up and let the foul liquid slide down his throat. He suppressed the urge to make a face at the disgusting taste. "G-grazie.." he said quietly.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2016 ⏰

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