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It was the start of Summer, I'd just moved here and I didn't know anyone or any good places to go and meet people. I was hoping to have a lie in to start of the summer vacation but according to my Mum, I couldn't. "Come on Zoé, time to get up." Mum came in and opened the curtains, blinding me with the bright light coming in through the window. "Mum, what's the point of me getting up today? I don't know anyone, I don't know my way around, what am I going to do that's productive?" I told Mum, in a tone which she didn't like. She tutted at me and walked out my room, she had no response as she knew whatever she told me to do I wouldn't do it.

I went back to sleep for a few hours, then when I woke up I woke up to a text from my best friend Gwen. Gwen lived in Perth, far away from my new home in Gold Coast. We moved here when my Dad got a new job. I tried my best to convince my Mum that I should stay there and live with Gwen and her family but she wouldn't listen. "No Zoé, Gwen's Mum has enough children to look after with 4 children and being a single mother" she kept telling me, but still I kept trying. As you can tell, it didn't work, hence why I'm here on the first day of summer vacation, sat in my room doing nothing whilst my friends are all out together in Perth. 

I decided I should do something with my day, I was a short walk from the beach and I decided to go check out how good the surf was. Surfing was a hobby of mine, every morning before school I'd go to the beach and surf. I wasn't going to let the fact I didn't know anyone stop me from doing that. I got out of bed and got dressed, putting my new bikini on.

People tell me I have a surfer look about me, tanned, beach hair - that kind of look. I'm not exactly the most confident girl, I was never popular. There was never a guy that liked me, they always went for the perfect ones who spent their times shopping and make theirselves look perfect. I wasn't that kind of girl, I always saw myself as the ugly friend, my best friend had a boyfriend and so did the others in my friendship group, or at least a guy that liked them.

"Mum, I'm just grabbing my surf board then i'm gonna head down to the beach and check out the surf" I shouted, putting on my brand new sneakers. "Okay sweetie, well don't be back late", "I won't Mum, don't worry". 

I waxed up my surfboard and carried it down to the beach. I stood on the steps, so I was able to see the whole beach and check out which was the best place to head down to. Towards the South end of the beach there was a group of teenagers, they were around 16 - my age. I headed down there to see if I could subtly start chatting with them and become friends. 

One caught my eye, he was tall, about 5'11"/6ft. He had blonde hair, and had the nicest body in the world. He had a dreamy tan, he was the most perfect looking boy I had ever seen in the world. The girl standing next to me, who must have been his sister walked over to me as I was about to go into the surf, "hey, are you part of the family that have just moved down the street from us?". "Well, I must be I guess" I let out a little giggle, "my Dad just got a job down here so we had to move from Perth" I replied. "Oh nice, I'm Alli and these are my friends, do you wanna come hang out with us?" Alli asked, it was so nice of her to offer. If this was in Perth they would have just ignored me and carried on with their lives, acting as if I didn't exist.

I walked over to the group who were listening to Jack Johnson, the tall, blonde boy singing along. His voice was so good, I hadn't heard anything like it again. "So guys this is.. Sorry, I didn't get your name" "Zoé" "THis is Zoé, she's just moved her from Perth, she's with the family that just moved in Codes. Anyway, this is Sophie, Giorgia, Ruby, Charlie, Rae, these are my friends and these are Cody's boys - Jake, Josh, Baden, Dayne, Toby and Bailey. We all just chill together and have the big group of us". In unison, they all turned around, said hey and invited me to come sit down. 

The only space left was next to Cody. Oh such a shame that on my first day of summer vacation I was sat incredibly close to the hottest guy I had ever seen in my life. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 10, 2013 ⏰

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