Fruits Basket FF: My BF With a Multipersonality Disorder

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I had to bleep out Black Haru's insults because I just didn't want to spoil his oh-so-wide vocabulary.

I hope you like the story!! Also, all rights of the characters belong to Fruits Basket. I promise the story will get better as it goes on. Starting it out just came out kind of rocky.

Oh and if you have any requests for a fanfiction, feel free to message me :).


                              Fruits Basket Fanfiction: My Boyfriend With a Multipersonality Disorder

"Doesn't matter if you're black or white!" I sing at the top of my lungs, bobbing my head to the music coming from my Ipod. Most of my music is alternative,

but I have a soft spot for Micheal Jackson.

I keep walking...and walking...until I almost bump into someone. Somehow, they fling theirselves away from me. God, some people with physical contact. Geez. 

He glares down at me. What kind of creature is this? I wonder.

With his black and white hair, piercings, and black choker, he doesn't exactly scream student to me. Of course, I'm not normal myself but his aura...

"Is is that hard to watch where you're going, you idiot?" He hisses. Even though he appears to be pissed, I can't help but notice how fairly muscular his arms are...

I'm a perv, aren't I?

"HUH?!" I scream over my music. His gray eyes seem so cold. The jerk rips off my headphones.

"Watch where you're ****** going, you *****!"

I roll my eyes, despite being scared as Hell. "You're one to talk. Is it that hard to," I drop my mouth open happily and say slowly, "walk around?"

His eyes seem to send the message, you are the lowest thing on the planet.

"This is a waste of my time!" He growls through his oh-so-white teeth. He storms off.

"What a weirdo," I say to myself and call after him, "Nice meeting you too, asshole!"

I continue walking until I'm home. I live in an obnoxious mansion. People always say how great it must be to be rich. They always assume I'm some spoiled brat who can buy anything I want.

I hate people.

I ignore my parents screaming until I go to my haven, my room.

The only place where I can be myself...even if myself is pretty damn weird.

My room is covered with stuffed animals, and I mean covered. They're just so cute!!! Even if I do have dyed red hair, freaky colored eyes, and super pale skin,

gotsa love me the cutesy stuff.

I hug a huge cow stuffed animal on the bed."Cu~ute," I sigh.

"You stupid bitch! Why don't you trust me already?! Haven't we been married for twenty years already?!"

"I'm the bitch? That whore's underwear was in your car, Charles!"

Outside, we appear like the perfect family.

Inside, we're dying.

I wish I had the courage to stop the fighting in my family.

But I don't know what to do.

I'm so lonely, all the time. And I want it to stop. I just wish I had someone, anyone to talk to.

Strangely enough, that boy from earlier pops into my head. Even though he was a complete jackass.

I shove my face into the cow. "Get out of my head, poopface!"

I need to get out of here. I'm going insane.

Later that night, I pack my stuff in a dufflebag and grab my cow stuffed animal........who is indeed named MooMoo.

Mom and Dad have finally gone to sleep, in seperate rooms, probably.

Maybe I shouldn't leave. Maybe I should help them.

No, I need to do this for myself.

I climb out my window and onto the roof. I shimmy down the pipe and run. Where? I don't know.

I just want to be anywhere but here.

I run until I reach a forest. I walk around. No one's out here.

Damn it, Az, what have you gotten yourself into?

Wait- is that a light?! I run towards it, only to see a house.

You shouldn't, Az. It could be a serial killer's house, or a rapist's, or a kidnapper's, or a cult leader's.

These ideas aren't helping me at all. I really need to stop the conversations with myself.

The screen flys open before I can say anything. I found I've walked rather up close to the house.

"Why hello there!" A kind of creepy but attractive around 30-ish guy with blue-black hair and black eyes smiles at me.

"This is a pervert's house!" I scream and turn to run.

"Ah-no wait!" He yells after me. I run until I almost run into a hard chest and see a ginger with beady eyes staring at me point-blank.

"Shigure," he shakes his head in disapproval. "What the hell have I told ya about scaring girls? Cut it out, already!"

I back away slowly. "Why is there a house in the middle of this forest?" I ask, not bothering to learn their names or anything.

I feel like I can trust the cat-like one. His voice is kind of cute in an I'm trying to be tough way.

"We live here," Ginger boy answers. "Did you need something?"

He looks at me until realization dawns on his face. He stares hard at the duffel bag.

"Runaway.....?" He asks.

I nod.

Pervert man/apparently Shigure grins widely. "Perfect! We already have Tohru here! What's one more girl make a difference anyhow? Except to me...Hehehehehe."

His giggle is ESPECIALLY creepy. The look on the ginger's face is a mixtue of shock, anger, and confusion.

Shigure sings, "She can staaaaaay with usssss!"

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Jan 21, 2012 ⏰

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