chapter one

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  One of the cutest things my husband loves to do when he gets home from tour is sit on the swings together and hold hands as we tell each other what has happened while we were apart. It’s something we started doing when we became friends in the 4th grade.


My family moved to West Winchester Virginia cause my father got a promotion so he packed up my whole family and moved us in a matter of days. I didn’t talk to anyone for a few weeks because I was scared of being made fun of for being new.

 One day I was sitting under a slide on the playground while everyone else was running around having fun, when a boy with short black hair came around crying.

"I’m sorry, no ones usually over here," he said quietly trying not to look me in the eyes.

"are you okay?" I asked slightly worried about the young boy I didn’t know.

"I’ll be fine." he went to walk away but something inside wanted to stop him.

"you can sit here, I mean if you want."

"okay." he sat down in front of me and we were both silent for a while before he said, "my names Brandon by the way."

"I’m Lyric."

"why are you sitting alone?"

"I dont know anyone, my family just moved here acouple weeks ago."

"well, I’ll be your friend. I don’t have any friends either," he said. I could tell he was very shy and nervous.

"okay," I replied smiling, causing him to smile as well.

We have been best friends since that day.


"I’ve missed you so much babe," he said turning on the swing to look at me.

"I’ve missed you too, and I’ve got some news to tell you."

"I do too, William Control asked us to play the East Coast dates on his Revel Without a Cause Tour!" Brandon told me with the biggest smile. He loves touring and always gets very excited.

"that’s great babe, when does it start and end?"

"we start in New York on November 22nd, and we go til December 3rd I believe, so we go straight to the second US leg for bad blood.”

"so your going to be gone for months," I said obviously upset. Brandon took my hand and kissed it then said,

"I dont want to leave you so soon or for so long, but you know I love doing this and I can’t let the guys down."

"I know it’s just… When you get back im going to be fat," his face just showed complete confusion. I couldn’t contain my smile or news any longer, "I’m pregnant Brandon."

"are you shitting me?!" he asked jumping off the swing grabbing onto the chains of mine.

"not at all, I went to the doctor a few days ago." he grabbed my hand and pulled me up to him. He then picked me up, spun me around, and kissed me passionately.

"I can’t believe we’re going to be parents," he said quietly, almost like he couldn’t believe it. "do you know how far along you are?"

"the doctor said a little over 3 months, so he or she should be here sometime in April."

"we’re going to be parents. Wow." I don’t think the smile on Brandons face is coming off anytime soon. "I love you."


I sat cross legged on my bed with my hands on my growing stomach, watching Brandon pack for tour again.

"your going to miss thanksgiving.." I told him trying to make him feel guilty about leaving me.

"I’ll make sure I’m here for Christmas though okay. You know I hate leaving you," brandon said climbing onto the bed, putting his head in my lap. "and when our babys born it’s going to be much harder to leave."

"I knew what I was getting into when we got married, your fans need you and you love touring."

"I wish you could come with us."

"living with five guys in a small van isn’t really how I want to spend my pregnancy."

"atleast you won’t be alone, you got the cat to keep you company," brandon said as the cat jumped on the bed with us.

"daddys gonna leave us again!"

"oh you, come here," he said getting up and tickling me.

"okay stop babe! I’m pregnant, I can’t control my bladder!"

"I wish I could be there when you find out the gender," brandon said when he stopped tickling me, then cuddled up next to me.

"aww group cuddles!" someone screamed out before 4 or 5 more bodies were ontop of Brandon and I. I looked up only to see masses of black hair in every direction.

"carefull of the baby guys."

"oh yea, sorry Lyric," a muffled voice said, then everyone got off. Bret, Alex, JC, Tyler, and even Amanda were all here.

"what are you guys doing here? We don’t leave till tomorrow.”

"we missed you two, you never come out anymore," bret complained cuddling up to Brandon.

"I’m sorry, there’s not much you can do when your basically 4 months pregnant."

"yea we know, we should have a BBQ or something when tours over," alex suggested.

"that would be so fun. We should have a Christmas party!"

"also who’s idea was it to attack us?"

"JC’s!" everyone said, ratting out JC.

"I wanted to cuddle!"

"well you heard him, he wanted to cuddle!" I said, then everyone jumped onto JC.


Amanda helped me down the stairs while the boys did what they usually did when they were together.

"hey if you need someone to bring you to  the doctors you know you can call me."

"thank you so much, I’m gonna need someone when I find out the gender."

"I’m so happy you’ll be here for her Amanda," someone said coming up behind me, wrapping their arms around my stomach.

"hey we’re a messed up, hyperactive, drunk, rock ‘n’ roll family."

"I love you so much Brandon," I said turning around in his arms.

"I love you too."

P.S. I love you (Brandon Kile) The Relapse SymphonyWhere stories live. Discover now