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Len wanted to die.

Was this lifestyle worth it? Living in fear and knowing that he was such a monster?

That he could murder a man without a flinch?

That he felt like it was getting more difficult to stop every time his anger was fueled?

Hell no. It wasn't.  

Len stared out the window from his hospital bed. He was a few stories high, probably a little higher than the height that Oliver dropped him from. But then again, the many tree branches helped soften the fall.

Oliver. Len didn't want to think of what happened to the younger boy after he helped him escape- it clouded his mind with uncontrollable grief and guilt.

If he fell from that height, would he die?

Instantly without feeling, or painstakingly slow?

Len stared out the window, eyes clouded with deep thought.

Would he even be helping anyone if he continued on like this?

No. Of course not. All he did was cause pain to people he loved. He was selfish for wanting to end it all, for wanting the pain to just end at long last. He wondered how long he could keep it up. 

But Gumi and Oliver were waiting on him, and Rin must have heard the news about his arrival.

He couldn't keep them waiting.

He couldn't break Rin's heart. Or his mom's.

He heard a sharp inhale and turned to face the source of the noise, a bit on edge. After all that's happened, he needed to be on edge. It was a habit that'd be hard to break, not that he'd want to anyway.

There, he saw a face he's been longing to see for so long. The face of his twin sister.

"Rin," He said with a soft, tender voice. It almost cracked with emotion, but he made sure his voice stayed strong. "It's been a while." 

Her eyes, glimmered with tears, which streamed down her face as she rushed towards Len and pulled him into a tight embrace. He stiffened, then relaxed. He patted her back comfortingly, almost forgetting exactly how to hug.

   "D-Dammit, Len! You look so god damn different and- and- you fucking scared me, you little asswipe!"  A small smile played at Len's lips. She hasn't changed one bit.

He could stay for a bit longer.


The moment the Kagamine woke up was the moment the door of what sounded like a cell slammed shut. Len's eyes opened slowly. A constant, high pitched ring and migraine infested his head. A heavy soreness rested in his muscles, making it hard to move. He wondered if it was part of the drug Tei used on him.

He was on the dirty, dirty concrete ground and he sat up, but a wave of dizziness overcame him, forcing him to nearly fall back down. His movements were sluggish and slow. It felt like his limbs were shackled to a heavy weight- the drug hadn't completely worn off, though thankfully, he was starting to regain strength by the minute.

"No! Let me go!"

There was the groan of a metal door opening, from what sounded like the room next to him. There were rusted and aging bars instead of walls, like the bars of a prison, so Len could easily see into the next room. The one closest to him- the one on his right- was where the commotion came from. And Len recognized that outraged, fury-filled voice that he often found directed towards him (he actually found it cute, the way her voice cracked sometimes, but he'd rather die than admit that to anyone) and he immediately tried to stand.

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