Those Three Words for Only the Two of You to Know Laughing Jack x Reader Fan-fic

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You sit there on your bed, hugging your legs to your chest, chin on your knees, and wonder. You wonder what you did wrong to make Laughing Jack so mad. Was it something you said or did? Or was the problem something you didn't say or do? The questions pile on top of each other, creating new ones, and in a matter of moments your head is filled with them. All unanswered questions. Tears run down your cheek as one particulair question pops up...

Does he hate me now?

Lost in your own world, you don't notice the dark and tall sillouet approach you. As it comes closer, you still don't notice; until it's standing right behind you. In fear and not wanting to see who or what it is, you keep your head down, body trembling softly. Then something falls in front of your eyes. What could it be? You feel it hit your toe and you pick it up. Candy! You open it. (favorite color and/or flavor), your favorite! You turn and your (e/c) eyes meet with the solem and sad white ones of his. His eyes stay locked on yours as he sits next to you.

"What's wrong?" you ask, obviously worried about him.

"(y/n)..... I need to tell you something...."

"Yes?" so eager to hear what he has to say, without realizing it, you lean close.

"You see... Uh..."

"What is it?" you lean closer, and he doesn't seem bothered.

"Well..." before you realizes what's happening, you are in his arms and he softly presses his lips to yours, causing your face and ears to burn as they turn bright scarlet, eyes wide. He slowly pulls away and gazes into your eyes, like he's gazing into your soul.

"I like you, (y/n). I never want to leave your side... I want to be with you, please accept me..." he seems so serious, not goofy and silly like usual.

"A-Actually, I feel the same way about you..." with much effort, you break the gaze and look to the side. "I was just afraid of being rejected......." He slowly takes your chin and gently makes you look at him.

"Why would I ever reject you...?" he gazes into your eyes once more.

"I-I don't know...." you can't help but yearn for his lips, it's all you can do not to be the dominat one, to push him down and as you wish.

"Because I wouldn't." he leans forward, and you, no longer able to contain yourself, you speed up the process by wraping your arms around his neck and kisses him softly. His arms wrap arond you and pulls you closer to him. As the kiss deepens his hand shadily makes it's way down and gropes you, causing you to gasp.

Taking the opening, he slides his tongue into your mouth and fights for dominence. Your lack of experiance was no match for him, so he victored easily. His hand goes up your shirt, causing you to blush more. He pulls away and pulls your shirt off, pinning your hands above your head against the headboard, causing you to wimper softly.

This earned you a goofy grin as he kissed down your jaw-line, and from there to right beneath/behind the shell of your ear. Unable to do much to nothing, you shift a little and enjoy the sweet torture he bestows upon you. He then makes his way down to your neck, your breath quickening. Then you wimper softly, and you feel him smirk against your skin. He suckles and nibbles on that one "sweet spot" for a moment, getting excited as your wimpering becomes a soft moan of his name. He leans back a little, your skin pink and bleeding slightly. There's a bit of sweat on your brow and he lets your arms go and they fall limply to your side, breathing quickly.

"You're so cute..." he reaches around and in one simple motion, your bra is undone and thrown accross the room. Your breathing quickens more as he leans in closs to you. When he kisses you, you kiss him back and he lays you down. He runs his hand up and down your side, causing you to shiver.

"Please stop teasing me....."

"Teasing you? You mean like this...?" he runs his fingertips around your chest and stomach in circular patterns, barely noticable. You shiver violently.

"Y-yes! That's what I mean! S-stop teasing me!"

He chuckles. "Fine." he sits up and what follows is passionate love. After a while you two stop and you lay with him, head against his chest, totally worn out. He leans forward and whispers something in your ear those three words for only the two of you to know. You smile and blush deeply and whisper back.

"I love you too, L.J.." you continue to smile as he moves your hair behind your ear and kisses your forehead.

Then something falls in front of your face. "Hn...?" you look down when you see it hit your toe and you pick up the hard candy, turning around, facing Laughing Jack, fully dressed, serious expression on his face.

"Hey (y/n), I need to tell you something, can we talk?"

It was all in your head!!!

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