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Newlyweds 💜

The newlywed bride set Goku's large breakfast on the table while he licked his lips in anticipation. Lately, Goku noticed how zoned out she had been these past few weeks. Every time he called, Chichi merely threw him a befuddled look and replied with an equally confused "hm? what'd you say?" The fighter asked if she was okay but the housewife merely brushed his efforts off. Each encounter left him with less and less information so naive Goku decided to take her word for it. If she said she was okay then it must be true.

Meanwhile, Chichi recalled all the heartwarming goodbyes her people told her. Many of them had watched her grow up and they truly wished her the best. Yet, even with all those words of encouragement from seemingly eons ago, Chichi was having her doubts that this marriage would work. She tidied up the kitchen while Goku began to devour his food. During these few minutes the woman was given time to think.

'He doesn't even love me, yet I got 'im to marry me through some childhood promise.' Chichi declared mentally. She repeated those words again and again. Allowing the statement to seep into her subconscience. Eventually it evolved into; 'He doesn't love me yet I forced 'im to marry me through a childhood promise.' The newlywed bit her lip anxiously. 'Hmm, that doesn't sound too good.'

'But,' she reasoned, trying desperately to turn things around, 'maybe with time he'll learn to love me a-as much as I love him!' Her heart skipped a beat at the thought of being loved back.

'Andd what if that day never comes?' Her realistic side prodded. 'Then you'll be living as friends or roomates. And roomates don't have...children.' Chichi shuttered at the thought of not having a family. As a child, she told Goku how she wanted a big family. It was her life goal to be a mom. Unlike she or Goku who lacked mothers, their kids would be blessed with both parental figures. Together, they'd have at least six kids. That way each child would never end up alone. But now, the very slim possibility of only having one made her heart crumble.

Her skeptic side began to grow and its voice became overbearingly true. 'After he eats he'll just run off and train somewhere, leaving me alone until he comes back. I mean, it's okay for him to do what he wants but how're we supposed t'get to know each other when we don't even spend time together?' All these questions and more plagued her until she fought back tears of frustration.

Goku remained oblivious to all of this (of course) as he finished off his remaining pieces of rice. He set the bowl down and sighed while rubbing his stomach contently. "I'm full. Thanks for the food." No reply. 'There's no way she's okay.' He decided. Standing up rather noisily he strode over to her and placed a large hand on her dainty shoulder. Chichi, startled, whizzed around and found that confused look in his eyes. Immediately she wanted to scream her frustrations but knew better. It wasn't the least bit his fault.

Before Chichi could ask what the problem was, Goku was already repeating himself. "I said thank you for the food." He looked into her eyes shyly, as if he wanted to say more but couldn't.

" y-you're welcome.." Chichi walked towards the table and began to distract herself with the task of washing dishes. She couldn't bear the thought of a loveless marriage and to look into Goku's eyes physically hurt.

"Wait," Goku nearly whispered and Chichi stopped dead in her tracks. This was more than just the common I'm-confused-please-explain tone of voice. This was a plea of urgency. Slowly, the woman turned around and met the man's eyes. A few stray tears managed to escape and stain her cheeks. Seeing her cry like this made Goku feel horribly guilty and yet he couldn't explain why. Maybe there was something he could say. But the warrior quickly pushed the idea aside. He didn't let this get in the way of the original plan. And since he didn't have much information on how to comfort crying people, let alone girls, he ignored it.

Suddenly, Goku snatched her by the waist and held her close to his beating chest while his chin rested on her shoulder. Chichi stood frozen in place, (how could she leave) as Goku awkwardly hugged her. Feelings of warmth surrounded her as she melted into his boyish hug.

'He does care.' The princess thought with tears welled in her eyes. With her arms free, Chichi returned the gesture. Usually she was the one to initiate but this time she was receiving love. Absorbing her emotions, the housewife was finally able to compose herself.

"I-I'm sorry for being all zoned out." She whispered into his ear. Somehow Goku felt she shouldn't be the one apologizing.

"Uhm I'm sorry too," He blushed a deep shade of pink upon feeling the butterflies swirl around in his stomach. He was grateful that Chichi didn't notice.

Though they pulled away from each other Goku delicately held her hand. Upon looking at her angelic visage, the warrior noticed yet another stray tear sliding down her cheek. More strange feelings washed over him. Seeing Chichi cry made the teenager feel crummy. "Uhm please don't do that," He whispered and gently wiped the teardrop away.


"Oh and don't apologize. I-It's really not your fault," 'It's mine somehow.' But, he'd think about that later, the plan wasn't complete just yet.

"Anyway's um I was going to ask you if y'wanted to walk with me today?"

"T-today? Like right now?" The man gave a curt nod. "But I have to clean the dish-"

"Aah who cares about that. I promise I'll help you clean them later but let's go now!" He tugged her outside until Chichi finally stopped resisting.

"Well it is a nice day-"

"That's the spirit!" Goku interrupted. "Now all ya hafta do is follow me."

Chichi smiled while Goku's back was turned. Her heart skipped as she couldn't help but think. 'He really does care. Maybe things will work out.' The princess blushed. 'Maybe we can have kids one day too!' She giggled rather loudly, earning a look from her spouse.

"What's so funny?" He inquired.

"Oh nothing!" She began to walk beside him with that dazzling smile Goku secretly enjoyed. "Where're we headed?"

The man in question scratched his head in confusion. 'Wasn't she just crying a few minutes ago?Oh well. I guess it doesn't matter. She's happy now, right?' Goku grinned back at her with that youthful excitement.

"Well Chichi, I'm glad you asked!" Hand in hand the young couple walked into their woods to spend the day together.

A.N: The ending was a little abrupt imo but I'm still v proud on this one! I'll be posting a DBS fic after the Black Goku Arc. Since episode 61 was so beautiful. 😭

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