Sasori x Deidara

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A/N: If you want to request a pairing, Just say (Ex:) SasorixDeidara. If you want to request a scenario, explain the scenario in the comments. If you'd like to request and X-reader, say (Ex:) SasukexReader. When (if) this gets so popular, and requests are rolling in, I'll only be jotting down the first 5 on a stickynote.Thats all. :) Enjoy some SasoDei fluff.

Kakuzu had returned to the Akastuki hideout with many bottles of sake. Naturally, Hidan was the first one to crowd around Kakuzu. And the only one. The rest of the members could care less. "Kakuzu, what is that?" Pein turned to Kakuzu, who was being crowded by Hidan.


Pein almost face-palmed.

"Baka, I know what they are! What are you doing with them! We all have important missions tomorrow. We can't be bedridden with hangovers,"

Kakuzu thought about that. "Yes, but I have a method. We can skip the mission with the funds I gain from these-" He shoved Hidan back a few steps. "-idiots. The drinks are going to cost them, slightly going up in price as they purchase more drinks," he explained.

Pein sighed. "Whatever. Just don't get them too drunk," Kakuzu was lucky Pein was going out on a mission when he came back with the drinks. He wouldn't have said yes had the circumstances been changed.

Hidan was follwing Kakuzu, trying to get on hiss good side, if he had one. "Kakuzu, can I have a free drink? Just this once, please??" Kakuzu almost slapped the Jashinist. "No. The drinks will cost you. If you keep this up, I'll double the price of your drinks!" Hidan quieted himself after that.


It had been a while since Kakuzu came back with the drinks, and Hidan and Kisame were drunk out of their minds. At first Kisame had....lost control, to put it nicely, but he soon settled down. They were both chatting like two girls chat over a boy they both like.

Deidara was also drunk, even though he was under age. He started making his way to a certain puppet, swaying his hips as he walked. Sasori took note that the former terrorist was indeed drunk. "Ooh Danna~!" Sasori turned his attention to Deidara as the bomber sang out his favorite phrase for Sasori. Deidara ran his fingers through the red-head's hair. Sasori shoved Deidara away, but the blonde got up and came back for more. "Danna, don't be so rude, un," he slurred. Sasori scoffed and tried his best to ignore the drunk bombshell. Deidara tugged on Sasori's cloak. Patience wasn't his strong suit, so he turned around and slapped the blonde, earning a shocked look from him.

What Sasori got in return was something unexpected. Deidara smashed his lips against Sasori's own lips. The kiss lasted for about 5 seconds. When they pulled away, Deidara was smirking. Sasori's face was as red as his hair. He immediately bashed Deidara into the ground.

"Damn, Sasori gets so flushed so easily," Kisame chuckled a bit. He watched Sasori beat the blonde to a pulp next to a passed out Hidan. Deidara would sure be stiff in the morning, plus a hangover and a rant that was sure to come from the puppet master...

A/N: I hope you all enjoyed this sasodei oneshot. tbh, this was my first attept at a oneshot, let me know how I did in the comments please :) Also, DeiDei is okay. Just bruised badly XD

I don't own Naruto T~T *cries in a corner* Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2016 ⏰

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