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Hey there. This is a very cliché story so if you do not like cliché then do not read this story.


Junior prom was three weeks away and I had yet to find someone to go with.

Well, that's not true.

I knew who I wanted to go with but I wasn't sure I could muster up the confidence to actually ask her out.

"Go ask her out already." Justice said, "I'm ninety nine percent sure that staring at her like a creepy fuck isn't helping your case."

"Shut up." I told him.

He shrugged his shoulders at me and picked his comic book back up. He had always been a bit of a nerd.

An oddly hot nerd according to the girls at our school. I mean, I guess he was attractive, with his brown sugar eyes, butterscotch colored skin, and jet black curls that spilled from his Pikachu hat, but only if you were into boys.

Which I wasn't.

I looked over at Virgina with a dreamy sigh. I imagined my fingers running through her ginger red tendrils when she was tired and my brown orbs locking with her pale green ones in heated moments of passion.

She was beyond beautiful.

"I'm going to do it." I declared.

Justice put his comic book down and eyed me warily. He cracked a smile at me that made his chapped pink lips seem even more chapped.

"The worst she can say is no." I reminded myself.

"No the worst she can say is get your ugly ass out of my fucking face you fucking dweeb." Justice joked.

"Wow. That was absolutely helpful." I told him with a deadpanned look.

"I know. Go get her tiger." He clapped me on the shoulder surprisingly hard for someone who did no heavy lifting aside from lifting dozens of comic books at once.

I stumbled in the direction of her table. She was surrounded by her friends who were all staring at me intensely the closer I got to their table.

"Hey Virginia." I greeted her. I was thankfully that my voice didn't crack and that I didn't get stuck on the words.

She looked at me with a look of utter confusion but politely smiled back at me. "Hi."

"Well I, was um, wondering if you had a date to prom?" I started but knew it was all going to be shot to hell when I heard the new few words tumble from my mouth without warning. "I know you're a senior and I'm a junior but whose to say that we wouldn't have a blast? I mean come on we could totally hit up the dance floor and I could definitely show you that once you go black, you never go back."

Oh fuck. Had I really just said that aloud?

By the look on Virginia's face I could tell she was wondering the same thing. Her sun kissed cheeks were turning pink with the attention I had gathered from my little ramble. "I'm sorry, but who are you? Do you even go to this school?"

Virginia's words were followed with the sound of laughter. I'm not sure why her words stung me as hard as they did. Maybe it was because I was infatuated with a girl who didn't even know I existed or maybe it was the countless times I had helped her with her math work in class that I assumed she had at least learned my name.

Justice was by my side and pulling me from the mocking laughter that filled the cafeteria in an instant. How could I have been so stupid to think she would accept my request and we would fall in love? How could I have been so stupid to think she even knew my name?

Teachers who had been teaching me for years tended to forget my name. Hell even I forgot my name from time to time.

So why the hell did I expect her to remember it?

No tears leaked from the corners of my eyes nor did I lock myself in the girls bathroom and cried all alone in the cubicle. I stood silently next to Justice who had been staring at me very intently for the last five minutes.

"You okay?" I heard him ask.

I shot him a shaky smile. "Of course."

"Are you lying to me?" He frowned.

"Me? Lying? To you? Never." I responded with a soft laugh.

That was a lie. Even he didn't buy the lie I was trying to sell him. It wasn't like I was just so depressed about being rejected. I just merely realised how little people would remember of me if I died right now.

Who would actually care?

In that moment I came to the decision that would change my entire life. I would become someone to remember.

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