Superhero Comic / Book / Film ideas

18 1 0

2 characters. Lovers. Husband and wife.

Wife has the ability to stop time, slow it down but not speed it up. Her abilities are a complete secret to everyone. (Villain learns of her powers somehow?)

Husband has no powers. Believes he does.

Wife protects husband using her powers to ensure she is never seen. Husband ends up thinking he has powers and goes out on vigilante missions. Wife follows him and saves him which only furthers his beliefs that he is untouchable.

Eventually the wife becomes physically exhausted as a result of saving her husbands life constantly and doesnt wake up when her husband goes on a vigilante mission.

Husband is captured by the villain who realises the husband does not have powers. Laying a trap for the wife. The wife rushes to save her husband but becomes trapped in a cell. Unable to escape her cell and with her powers amplified (by the cell) she watches her husband die in what seems like an eternity. (She cant deactivate her powers)

After the husband dies the wife is psychologically broken and vows revenge on the villain and his family.

End with the police reacuing the wife from the cell, the villain escaping and the husband dead on the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2016 ⏰

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