The Worst Pain

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It was going to be another beautiful day in Toontown, for the sun has risen, and it's a Saturday! Unfortunately, Christopher, the one this story is centered around, doesn't seem to realize that.....

"Uuuugh....Schoolwork all morning...whhyyyy...." he moaned as the young dog stirred from his sleep as the sun shined through the window in his estate onto his face. He yawned and rubbed his right eyelid. One second later, his phone buzzed. He looked over at it and saw that it was a text from one of his 2 best friends, Mr. Corky Razzledazzle. It said "CHRIS GET UP THERES A MASSIVE BEANFEST GOING ON". Chris was shocked. A massive beanfest? He could buy those 4 magic themed hats he always wanted and then some! He began to feel quite happy, but then he remembered schoolwork (still not realizing that it was the weekend) and deflated BIG time. He typed back "Sorry dude, I got school work :(" A few minutes later...."What?! On SATURDAY? D:". Chris was shocked again "Wait it's SATURDAY today? O.o" "Yeah...". Christopher checked his phone clock. Sure enough, it WAS Saturday! Chris then grinned as he typed back "UUUUUUUGH I'm so stupidXD Ill be over right away! :D". With renewed vigor he jumped out of bed ready to stuff his bank full! But then...

POKE!!!!!!!!!!! His right paw sunk deep into the edge of a LEGO 2x3 he had accidentally left out while cleaning up his LEGOs last night....

Christopher's pie shaped pupils shrank as an IMMENSE pain coursed through his foot. The pain was so indescribable. It was worse than stubbing your toe, worse than a cog's glower power knives, even worse than going sad! He clutched his head, grit his teeth real hard, shut his eyes real tight, and then...........


Some time later, Christopher awoke in one of Toontown's hospitals, groaning. " I?" He looked around and noticed that he was in the ER, and that his foot had a big cast on it. He was beyond shocked "I-Is this why I'm here?" He thought aloud. "Indeed" said another voice that was deep but gentle and kindhearted. In fact, it sort of reminded Chris of Bluey. He looked in the direction of the voice and saw a bright green bear walk up to his bedside. The bear was dressed in a white coat with a dark blue button shirt and long black pants. He was tall, had a short forehead and short snout, and was a bit chubby. Not as big as Bluey is, but he certainly had a belly. He wore a kind smile "I'm glad you are awake. How are you feeling?" "Mm....better" Chris replied in a 'Eh' kind of tone. he looked at his cast-up foot, and then remembered what happened in the morning. "Man, I didn't know stepping on a LEGO could do that to you..." he admitted. The bear chuckled "You'd be the way, your friends are here. Do you want me to let them in?" the doctor asked. Chris thought about how his friends might've been panicking out of their minds, and immediately felt bad "Yeah...they are probably eating their faces off with worry about me...." the bear chuckled again "Very well" he then walked out of the room. 5 minutes later, Corky and Christopher's other friend, Tutu Featherknees rushed in. "Dude!! Are you okay?!" Corky asked in a panicky manner. Christopher gave them a reassuring smile "Hey, hey, I'm okay guys". His friends sighed with relief. "How did this even happen?" Tutu asked.

Chris bit his lip, not really sure how to tell them " on a LEGO...."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2016 ⏰

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