Sugar Sweet

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Money can't buy happiness. Wrong. For me, money can buy fake happiness but not the soothing satisfaction. I, Hurab, realised the meaning of the sentence when I found my satisfaction in his smile, in his laugh, in his cute yet deep talks, in his sincerity, in his steadfastness and in his eyes. He has a heart of gold. He, Abrar, my husband, my love, my heartthrob, my teddy, my best friend and my world. How I laugh at the old stupid me, the one who was an asshole, stubborn bitch.

''Hurab, table no.6, grilled cheese sandwich, salad and orange juice. Make it snappy.'' Mana's voice brought me out of my thoughts.

''Copied!'' I yelled and moved away from the window, engaging in work. Mana is one of the waitress in my restaurant. She is in 19 and works as a part time worker, she is a hard- working girl.

I worked on the salad dressing, dripping some of the olive oil's drops on the wooden counter during the process. The delicious aroma coming from the grilled cheese sandwiches hit my nostrils and I took a deep breAth, taking in more of it. These sandwiches have always been my weakness, not to forget, they are one of the most favorite dishes of the customers here.

While working, I hummed nonchalantly and drifted towards my old memories, the memories which have made me something different, something good.

''Why I'm stuck with you, Abrar,? I can't go for shopping whenever I want, can't hire a maid. Oh my God! ''I cried gripping his shirt's collar.

''I'm sorry for everything that I can't fulfil for you, Hurab. But trust me and have faith in Allah, I will work day and night.'' He said, in a calmer tone, which made me more angry. I found a lump to my throat. Why is he not rebelling, why? How could he be so calm all the time? I have heard husband's hitting their wives for petty matters, but he, he is totally different. He listens to whatever I say, me cursing him, calling him names.

It's not that I was forced to marry him, in fact I was all jolly on getting married. The financial crises striked the prosperous business of my father, resulting in cutting all the extravaganzas. When my Dad fixed my nikah with him, I dreamt of enjoying the old gleeful days with my future husband, but all the dreams crashed when I came to know he's just a welder.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2016 ⏰

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