Chapter One

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It starts for everyone with a mark, whether it be on your face or body, it's there. It rules your life. When you get it, it starts the time when you become who you were "Meant to be"; which I am going to state here and now is a load of bullshit. Anyway, where it is matters, what color it is matters, how big it is matters, how it grows, guess it, did you get it? Fucking matters. The reasoning for these is so stupid I doubt anyone actually cares about it. "The mark is so that no one can question who they are, we are all a community. We work together to serve a purpose and that purpose is each other." I swear if we all would stop being such assless dickmonkeys we would realize how stupid that is.

I guess anyone could point out that maybe it's stupid to you because that's how you were meant to think? Again load of crap, me and my brother, as soon as we got them cut them off each other. Which is a bit stupid because they were above our eyes but hay, nothing a bandaid and a pair of shades can't fix right? There is others who think like me whether it be ironically, or just because they hate their life we all stick somewhat together through a chat client my brother made that we can't be tracked on. We have about 8 members at this point of our little alliance. Me, Dave Strider founder and cool guy, My brother, Dirk Strider co-founder and also cool guy (Even though he is bit of a tool), John Egbert a heir to the founders of this place who is actually pretty dorky for such a powerful dude, Rose Lalonde a girl with mark that covers most of her leg but hides it because she is a douche, like, everyone and finally of my people, Jade Harley a hunter and owner of a gun shop with her own brother Jake English (Also a member but on my bro's side). Then for the other rule breakers we have Jane Crocker, John's cousin who also will take over but runs a bakery on the side, Roxy Lalonde, Rose's sister/guardian who also has a huge ass mark but decides to drink so no one takes it seriously, and well I already introduced you to Jake.

My brother decided today that we would actually meet in person at midnight so we are walking there hoping to be the firsts there so we can actually prep ourselves, we may look cool but damn does getting away from our hellish older brother cause us to freak the fuck out. Luckily when we do get to the alleyway we will be meeting, we are the firsts there.

"Yo, Dave. You chill?" My brother asks peering over his pointed shades. They always had to be pointed like two tortilla chips glued together as shades; but I couldn't focus on his shades, I doubt anyone could with two piercing orange eyes staring at you.

"Yeah. Just fine." I respond to him. Both of us knowing that if caught we could be arrested and maybe even killed if John was here, in simpler words, we didn't need to talk much or be honest to know we both were a bit on edge.

I look around for a bit and I realize we are right by the "English & Harley Gun Shop" and "Crocker's Goods" so I guess we don't need to worry about Jake, Jade, or Jane. The alleyway was dark with the only light coming from a lamppost about 5 feet away so I could only see the outline of things. The alleyway had an uneven pavement compared to the rest of the city where the roads were so smooth you could skate on them with normal shoes. There was no graffiti on the walls which is kinda boring but these are our friends places so it's a good thing.

"Dave, you look like a spaz right now. You need to relax or I will show them all your collection of dead things." Dirk tells me which gets me to stop tapping my foot which I didn't even notice I was doing. I look at him which might be a mistake on my part. He looks like he hasn't slept, which is hard to notice unless you live with him because of his shades. His hair is a mess and his clothes are equally as messy as his hair.

A squeal is heard and we both jump a bit which causes Dirk to bashfully grab his phone out of his pocket and check it.

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