How many more days?

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I screamed "Stop"

They turn to look at me. Whispers on my "life story." Then don't know me all they now is that I moved here 2 weeks ago from so little town somewhere. Pushed, shoved, thrown on the floor. My life. I turn the corner, running in to Luke the captain of the football, basketball and wrestling team. A laugh from the near by cheerleaders hit my ears. "I'm sorry." Flowed out of my mouth.

"You better be." He said with a smirk on his perfect face. "What night do you work the corner?"

"Haha. Very funny." I said.

"You could just pay me now and we can go." He told me. Confident and satisfied.

"Again funny." I said seriously. As I walked away I could hear the slaps of high-5s and "bro I'll come with you. I like those kind of girls." Somebody yelled. That's makes me feel so good about myself. Walking into math class, Sitting down without getting notice was really hard even though there was like 5 kids in there. There is always laughs, comments, people. Even the teachers laugh about me. Me Riley. I'm super skinny, I have blonde hair and hazel eyes. I have no body like all the other girls do. I'm flat as flat as flat can get. My only friend is Charlie. A tall, super skinny, blonde who is the sweetest. We are the rulers of the nerds. This year for senior prom i now that we ill be named k & q l. It means king and queen of the losers. Our school really doesn't care much for the bullying thing. Luke and Taylor will be named queen and king. Since she is the head cheerleader and her the caption of everything.

I threw my stuff down walking into math class. Taylor and Luke are there making out in the back of the room. "Really the can't get a room." i told Charlie. All he did was smile and a little laugh. "Alright everyone sit down." Mr. Mule said. "Everyone please no talking and you have the rest of class to finish the test. Begin" In my mind i thought really another test.

After I sat my test on his desk i thought maybe this test would be a d. It would be better than all the fs I always get. RING there's the bell. I got up and shuffled to the door trying not to get caught up with the Taylor and Luke drama. Saying goodbye to charlie and going into science. We have a sub for the 3rd week in a row. Our teacher Mrs. Penn was hit by a bus. That explains it self. By today we are just watching a video. Not watching the video I looked around the room. Isabel and Lexi giggling over their phones. Taylor making out with Chad. Just the usually. Taylor is in like every class with me and she is always making out with some boy. The bell goes and Taylor comes up to me and touches my arm and says "Sorry." not knowing what to say i just walked. As soon as i walked out of the door and billion of fully-loaded water balloons busted open all over me. A video camera set up and faced towards me, Taylor, Lexi and isabel were laughing so loud. Luke, Chad, Mike and Cody (The Jocks) Smiling so big. Walking into the bathroom trying to clean up. I thought i'm going to get even. I skipped reading and writing another 2 classes i had with Taylor. I drove to the pet store and bought 15 little spiders. Taylor, Lexi and isabel always go into the bathroom for a makeup retouch after 4 period. I waited. There went the bell. And soon i heard the screaming of everyone running out of the bathroom when they entered. As the set their bags down and walked over to a big mirror with kisses and graffiti on it . I opened the jar and poured some into each bag. Putting more in Taylor's bag. I walked over to her "Sorry." came out of my mouth. I walked into history class. They are all in it with me. When Taylor reached into bag. I heard a scream and then she threw her bag across the room dumping everything out of her bag. Make up, tampons, condoms, a mirror and a lot of junk was on the floor. Soon flowed to more screams and more bags thrown. And i knew that i stared something but i did good.

By the time i got home it was late. My mom wasn't home so it was dark and quiet since no one had paid the bills. I thought he might be at the new restaurant Bu La Su I have know idea why he named it that but it is very fancy so it fits its name. Walking down the dark alley all alone wasn't such a good idea. It was cold, the wind was blowing and it was quiet. I thought that I should take my truck but it was low on gas. I saw Taylor and Luke at the end of the street. Great I thought, just wonderful. I had to take the long way around which was turning around and walking on the main road. It was safer but it was too crowded. Since i took the long way I had to cut threw the park. It was empty so I walked faster. Walking into the restaurant. So many clinking of glasses, people talking and just so many people. The line was out the door. Walking straight in people were giving me dirty looks. "Why does she get to cut!" I heard a little boy scream. Pushing my way threw the waiters, walking into the kitchen. "Mom!" i yelled

"What sweetie?"

"You didn't pay any of the bills"

"I will don't worry, now go and grab some food and bring it out to the table." Now i have a job here. Wow the are really busy. My mother told me that I would never work here because i mess everything up, and I did. Dropping food, giving the people the wrong food was just a few of the mistakes. As it died down I was getting good at it. "Come on." my mom said. "Lets go home. Did you drive?"

"No." I said.

"But it is like -8 outside."

"My truck out of gas."

"Well come one."

Getting in the car it was cold. We heard Don't Stop Believin. Our favorite song. The 2 minute drive was filled with this. The radio was up so loud I thought my ears were going to burst. Us. Screaming the lyrics at the top of our lungs. When we walked in I went upstairs to grab the candles, flashlights and portable radio. My mom went downstairs to get the heater. I threw all of my pillows and blanket in her room. She walked threw the door as i was lighting the candles. She shut the door. The light was dim, and it was cold. She turned the heater on and it warmed up. The doorbell went of and my mother ran down the stairs. Coming up with a large cheese pizza, 2 liter of coke and 2 cups. Listening to music, eating pizza i got tired i soon fell asleep it the frigid air and the dim lights.

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