Her Timeless Beauty

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I knew I was dead but I didn't know she couldn't see me,
I watched my son and daughter grow up, my wife re-marry, and all that changed,
She thought she heard something sometimes,
Or swore that that door wasn't open,
I only wanted her to know my presence,
Know I was watching over her,
I knew she'd see me again,
When she finally joined me, she look like she did the day we met,
Her pale eyes once again bright,
Her silver hair returned to sparkling blonde,
Our love endured after death.
We visited our old hangouts, and the place we married,
But nothing compared to her beauty,
Not the places, the people, not the memories,
Her beauty was beyond time,
Her years hidden by her passion, hope, and grace,
That's why I loved her, that's why I waited

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2016 ⏰

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