"I have loved you all this time"

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Okays ^-^ so here it is finally (so sorry) i hope you all enjoy it! i don't own either of them XD I only own the idea ^_^, okays i know that Jason Todd (I know there's a Dick Grayson as Robin too but imma use Jason XD) was adopted by Batman but for the story imma say that Jason just lived with Bruce and was treated as a son figure yet simular ages and when Jason was 18 had a job he moved into his own apartment and sometimes goes with Batman as Robin. I hope that makes sense I just don't want things to be awkward XD.

Thank you for reading let us begin :3.

Jason's p.o.v

I was on my way to visit Bruce after me and Batman was on patrol around the city I told him I wanted to get changed at my apartment and see him there, he wasn't 100% sure if he should let me go which made my heart race just at the thought of his concern for me, he looked amazingly sexy when he was jumping from buildings, talking in his deep voice and fighting, I was jealous with how close Bruce's body got with them during the fight. i wasn't much help with how distracted I was getting. It started to rain and my mood grew duller with the weather. It's difficult for me to see him or to be in the same room as him without wanting to feel his body on mine, with how much my emotions have grown for him the more depressed I get, he'll never love me the way I love him. I looked up to the sky and stopped walking and my eyes started to blur as tears flooded my vision. A mixture of tears and rain fell down my face and i hated how i felt for him, i'm just like a brother to him. i whispered "Why do i have to love you? why you?" i covered my hands with my face and tried to calm myself before I start walking again.

Bruce's p.o.v

"I wonder where he is? it's almost half past midnight!" I questioned i didn't leave that long ago so i can't expect him to be here right now but I was still worried, "what if something happened to him?" I turned to Alfred he smiled reassuringly he had told me not to worry a bit ago when I asked him, I wasn't sure if I was asking him I was just waiting for answers I looked back to the window watching the rain bounce off the road and cars and thought of how he wasn't acting himself for the past few weeks, maybe he was ill he was nearly always flustered and sweaty even before training or before patrol , I was so lost in my worries that I didn't hear the door bell ring.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Alfred cleared his throat "Master Wayne, Master Todd has arrived"

No one's p.o.v

Bruce embraced a soaked Jason and placed a hand on his cheek and rubbed it with his thumb "Jason are you okay?", Jason looked up at him with surprised at Bruce's sudden actions, Jason blushed and Bruce looked at Jason's lips as he stuttered "I-i'm yes-s erm"

Alfred smiled and walked out of the room and hung up Jason's coat and straightened the shoes then started to head towards the Bat-cave to turn the computers, that were left on, off and put Bruce's bat-suit away and try fix the small damage it had, he knew a ruff idea about what was about to happen and he couldn't be more happy for them but didn't want to hear it (XD).

Bruce still with his hand on Jason's cheek and the water from Jason's hair falling onto his hand and down to the floor, Bruce placed his other hand on Jason's shoulder and asked "Why aren't you telling me the truth? What is it you're not telling me"

Jason's p.o.v

I didn't know what to say to him, this is just another brotherly action isn't it?, I let out a shaky sigh and just looked up at him, I moved his hand from my face and squeezed it gently and let it fall next to him, I watched his face wash with confusion as he moved his other hand to his other side. I just I placed my arms around his neck and hid my face in his chest and let the tears fall once again, "I love you, so please love me", I kept screaming in my mind, I didn't just want to be his sidekick anymore or his best friend and definitely not his brother, I didn't even want to be his lover I wanted to be his partner his everything.

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