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" First, it was ' computers '. ,Then, ' cellular phones ' ., And, ' V.R.', what is Miyafuji into?", asked Perrine of the darker headed Witch,

next to her. " I do not know. And, Hikari Karibuchi is involved. She even sent Takami some of the stuff, first.", replied Naoe.

The duo entered the R&R Lounge, as Eila said, " Hello ' Snooty ' and ' Bulldog '." " Will you quit, calling me that.", said Perrine.

" I am not a ' bulldog ' !", snapped Naoe. The 501st and 502nd were gathered together, for the Witches from two different units,

was supposed to be home. Then, a buzzing was heard, as a flying Quad - propellered object flown overhead, with a cell phone,

dangling from a string.

It flown near Minna, and she grabbed the phone. She taken it off the string, and looked at it. On the screen, was Yoshika.

" Minna - san! ", said the Yokosuka Witch. " Yoshika, don't tell me you sent this ' device ' from where you are.", said Minna.

" Actually, I did. * Then, the scene was of them from behind. * " The others turned, and seen their returning Witches.

Hugs and welcome backs were exchanged. Then, Yoshika called down the corridor, " O.k everybody, bring them in!"

As, workmen and technicians entered, Minna said, " Let's talk in my, office."

" Where were you, Miyafuji?", asked Perrine. " I cannot say much, but I and Hikari had tried out some, ' interesting ' stuff.", replied

Yoshika. *knock , knock * " Miss Yoshika, all equipment set up.", said a solider. " Arigato.", replied Yoshika.

The two squadrons, entered the Lounge again, but new ' equipment ' was installed. " We got ' internet ', video games, television,

and other devices.", said Yoshika. " What was the ' flying device ' you used?", asked Sakamoto. " A ' micro - drone '. A lot of

people use them. There's a larger model, to attach a ' go pro ' camera.", replied Yoshika. This information, caught the attention of,

Krupinski. Eila looked over the flatscreen, and seen some of the ' games '. " ' Gears Of War ' Legacy? What the heck?", she asked.

" Oh, this is a ' special edition '. It has ' Gears Of War ' 1,2,3, and an early release of 4. Comes with free DLC.", replied Yoshika.

" Free, what?", asked the Sumous Witch. " Down Loadable Content.", replied Hikari. " Right, so let's play this!", said Eila.

She figured out, where the disk went and turned on the console. After, the product intro, the ' Gears Of War Legacy ' screen

appeared. " O.k. Game 1 is ready to play. So, is the ' DLC '. But, the other games are ' locked '.", Eila said. " I think you might

have to play through the first, and play through the others.", said Yoshika. Then, Eila started to play.

The intro and story screens started. The women in the room, were stunned at first, then, Eila used a machine gun equipped with

a ' special ' attachment. " Wow, a Chainsaw!", said Eila. Both Gertrud and Naoe, had bloodthirsty looks.

Perrine took an ' Internet Tablet ' from the table, and turned it on. Then, she found a pen with, different colored inks, and a rubber

nib on top. She proceeded to use the nib on the screen of the ' tablet '. ' Amazing.', thought the Gallian.

Minna and Gundula was standing near the drone. " It would be interesting, to see if we could use one of these, during an operation

against the Neuroi. ", said Minna. " Indeed. This could gather information for us, or use a weapon against them.", replied

Gundula. " This Smart Watch is fantastic! I can answer phone calls, or play music with this!", said Shirley.

" Tactical flashlights?", said Sanya, looking over the device. " This looks quite useful.", replied Aleksandra.

Throughout the day, The Witches tried out the different ' Tech ' devices.

Dinner was done and enjoyed. Then, the units went their separate ways.


STRIKE WITCHES / BRAVE WITCHES: WHEN ' TECH ' HITS. Where stories live. Discover now