Chapter 1

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Kathleen's P.O.V

   Well I'm a skater, and a nerd. I know right so cliché, but I don't like attention unless I'm skating and going big. So at school I'm Kathleen the nerd but at my skating place I'm known as Truly because im truth.
   The things we call alarm clocks annoy me so much they are just like 'wake up time for school!' and I'm like nah dude until my parents pour water on me.
   I wake up get in the shower. I wake up at like 5:30 so I have time for everything. I dress up in pants and then I put my hair in a messy bun. I'm a natural brunette but my color is almost black like my dad's. I have hazel eyes and I get that also from my dad.
   I get everything else from my mom. I then put on a shirt ( I know a weird routine) I put on a kinda corny nerdy shirt that says I'm actute. Ha ha funny anyway I then go downstairs and eat breakfast with my mom and dad.
   "So sweety how was your sleep" my mom asks "meh I dreamed about me at the world champion mathematics."      You see my parents hate skating or anything like that so even at home I'm stuck with the nerdy thing.
   "Oh I see, another one of your amazing dreams?" She asks again. "Yes mom, hey where's dad?"
   "He had to come into work early this morning but he told me to give you a big hug this morning." She says cheerfully. My dad owns his own big company  called shoeless or noless.
  I walk out of my home and get into my car. I start it and it breaks down, so I go back inside get Kyle (our butler) and he drives me to school.
   I go inside and go straight to my locker then I hear my friends Kathleen D. And Omner. Omner is a weird name I know but he's named after his great great great uncle Omner. Then there's Kathleen D. She's Kathleen Darling and I'm Kathleen Richmond. We all are best friends and we all hate the same girl. Ahria Ramses, and her clones Catie and Jaylin.

When they come in of course he comes too......

Hey everyone I know it's short but I hope you enjoyed!!!



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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2016 ⏰

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