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She thought it odd that he was the first to die. He was so much bigger and stronger than she ever was. But there he was, slumped over himself, covered in his own stagnant blood. Her whole body was stiff and all she could do was stare at his lifeless corpse. The sticky red liquid oozed out his throat and down his chest. It was everywhere! And she could taste its repulsive metallic flavor. Not long ago, they were the worst of enemies, always threatening to murder each other, and a few times he had almost succeeded. Now he had sacrificed his own life for hers. But why would he do such a thing? She was nothing but a prisoner of war that never seemed to end. The people she once knew thought her dead. She had nothing left to live for. Something warm crawled down her cheek and off her chin. A tear. Soon, more followed and her once stiff body collapsed in a bundle of white.
Dust whirled around her, coloring her fur a light beige color. It was impossible trying to get up, especially with her imminent death hovering maliciously above. Her body gave in and she convulsed, releasing a scream. With much difficulty, she tried dragging herself closer to him, but the death seized her ankle and pulled her away. A cold, metallic darkness enveloped her and no amount of struggling would free her now. She watched in horror as two dripping black claws formed from the darkness and coiled to strike. It lunged at her, but she awoke to a hand on her shoulder, followed by an angry snort.
She looked up to see an irritated face.
Had he been watching her during the whole nightmare? She hoped not, that would be rather embarrassing... and a little unnerving. She watched him as he whirled around to return to his spot at the edge of the room. With a soft grunt, he sat on the floor and closed his eyes. Tearing her eyes away from him she nestled herself once more in the thick blankets. She let out a long sigh and was told to be quiet.
"I'm sorry."
Another snort.
The room got quiet again and she rustled underneath the sheets, questions screaming in her mind. Seraphs loved to talk, and being surrounded by quiet Daemons was irritating. No matter how much she tried, they wouldn't answer the simplest of questions, but at least that Elder was kind. She was sure that without him, Zudikas would've already torn her apart. Out of all of them, he was the most disgusted of her.

The humming noise returned again and whispered in her ears. It was relaxing, melodious and seemed to come from within her.

"Seraph," Zudikas growled the word in disgust. As if it physically hurt him to say it. "What the hell is wrong with you? Go back to sleep."
"I'm sorry..."
"Ugh. Don't be sorry. Just go to sleep," his voice grated in her ears. "and stop moving."
"Sorry..." without thinking, the words slipped through her lips, and she tensed.
No matter how hard she tried, she just couldn't go to sleep. Images of the nightmare mangled her thoughts. Why? Why is she dreaming about a man who'd do anything to watch her die? She hated him and he absolutely abhorred her. Why did she dream of him protecting her and worse, feeling horribly heartbroken? If given the chance he'd ruthlessly destroy her small and fragile body.
"Why do you say 'sorry' so much? It's annoying." His voice startled her from her daydreaming.
"I. I don't know..."
Not knowing if he knew that she could hear him, he whispered, you've got to be kidding me.
"Forgive me, but I am sorry. I've always talked like this. I don't remember a time where I haven't."
"Hmph. If you could stop doing so, that'd be greatly appreciated."
She suppressed the urge to bark back at him. He was just so blunt that he filled her with rage; an emotion her people never really felt. At times she wished she would've stayed home, or better, had Zudikas fulfill his dream. Maybe if I anger him enough, he'll snap and end me... it's not like they're going to put him up for trial. I'm just a Seraph. Now, what does she need to say to break his cool? She knew nothing about him or what he liked.
"So you're an Elite?"
"I don't believe that. All I've ever seen you do is sulk around. Is that what you guys do?" her voice sounded too loud, even for her.
He growled and it sounded as if thunder was building up in a storm cloud, menacing and slow. She could feel it in her chest.
Got him.
"And you're so slow! What happened? The first time we met you were so quick. But now you act as if you're dead." she paused and waited for a reaction. Nothing but a cold silence.
Feeling cocky, she decided to go a little further and really push his buttons. "How are you going to protect your people from us if you're just lazing around? As children, we are told stories of your people. Vicious beasts with a lust for blood. Vigorous and never taking no for an answer. But from what I've experienced, you're just a bunch of unorganized, slothful..."
"Enough." she succeeded in erupting the volcano. He lunged, grasping her throat, "You have no right. All you Seraphs are the same. You're all so oblivious to your surroundings and youalways think that you're in the upper hand," He tightened his grip and grinned at her feeble attempt to get free. Leaning closer to her face he whispered. "I love watching your kind finally realized how fragile their lives are. It makes my heart flutter."
Black fog started surrounding her vision, threatening to engulf her and her head was pounding as if it was going to explode. She gasped, wide eyed. Terror left her body numb and she tried focusing on his face, but she could feel herself slipping.
"Zudikas!" she heard the Elder's voice. It was so distorted like she was underwater. Breathing was becoming too difficult, even when he grasped Zudikas' hand away from her throat.
At least she will finally be able to see her brothers...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2016 ⏰

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