What Inspired Me?

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P E R S O N A L  E X P E R I E N C E :

Just like any normal person living their youth, I had gloomy days too. Out of the many experiences I've been through, I especially remember this one moment during my first year of high school. Unlike most people I knew, I had trouble adapting to the larger school full of new people. I wasn't used to the buildings, the teachers, & most of the students around me. Due to that, I would always be inside a classroom during lunch doing work. After I started staying inside instead of hanging with my friends in the cafeteria, I kind of distanced from them. I was disappointed, yes. Not being able to adapt, plus the friendship problem, distracted me a bit from my school work, causing me to end up with dissatisfying grades on test or quizzes. Again, I was disappointed, but no matter how disappointed I was, I would never complain to anyone. I understand most people have even worse experiences, so I kept it to myself. One day, I walked up to my locker to put away my books, and that's when I found a note on my locker that said 'smile'. Reading it, my lips lifted upwards, and they stayed that way for the rest of the day.

Just one note. Just one word. That is the power of spreading positivity. It can make a person smile for the first time that day. Real good deeds are done without needing praise. Seeing other people smile because of you is the loveliest feeling in the world. The power of one note. Don't forget that.


W H Y ?

Many teenagers these days suffer through unhealthy thinking. Everyone contains a story within them, and people these days jump to conclusion way too quickly. Just because someone is smiling and laughing, we would think they bare no problems. I designed this campaign to motivate people spread positivity around their communities/schools so that smiles can spread. Just like me, I hope they would motivate others to do the same without wanting or needing anything in return.


W A Y S T O S U P P O R T :

1. Please support me and add the official campaign sticker onto your books!
Link: https://imgur.com/gallery/4H4Li
2. Spread positive messages virtually/in reality
3. Use the hashtag #projectsmiles
4. etc


C O N T E S T S :

[Coming Soon]


S T A R T E D :

October 16, 2016

B Y :



T H A N K Y O U .


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