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       Brightly they shine, mesmerized I stand, as if time had stopped and the world had stilled and all my worries had just...drifted away...

                                                                              .            .            .

I slowly awaken to a frigid October breeze. Sunbeams dance across my face as I realize, why can I feel a breeze? I lift my head up from under my cozy arm and realize, I'm on my roof. I glance over at my miniature clock on my bedside table from inside my bedroom window. The time read 7:13. That wasn't too bad. Actually, it wasn't bad at all. My bus usually leaves at about 7:45 and the bus stop's only 4 minutes away. This was about the time I usually got up anyway. So you may be wondering, why was I on the roof? Well, every night I set an alarm at 1:30 so I can wake up and look through my father's refractor telescope to look at the stars, He taught me how to use it when I was 9. I'm 13 now.

My name is Anne by the way, Anne Kelly. It stands for something, something really stupid that I won't say because it makes me cringe every time I think about it. All I'll say is it has to do with space. My dad loves outer space, just as much as I do. This is the reason for what my name stands for. In fact, he used to be an astronomer, my dream job. Now I don't even know what he does. To be perfectly honest, I barely even know who he is anymore.

After my mom left him, he's been stuck in a state of depression. He never talks to me anymore, I don't even really see him anymore. This has led me to be more accountable, same thing with my older brother Mason, and my older sister Ori. I never see my mom anymore, I don't even know where she left off too. My dad was so sad he quit his job, and as I said before, I don't even know what he does now. Most of our money comes from our grandparents, because once my mom left, we had about none. She was the boss of her own company.

My brother is 17, and my sister is 21. They both like space, but not as much as I do. Since my dad loves space, he named his kids astronomy related names. Ori's name is short for Orion, the constellation. She hates it too, and refuses to answer to anyone calling her that so she just goes by Ori. Mason's name is just Mason, I guess my parents couldn't find any boy names associated with astronomy that appealed to them.

I glance down at my thick mulberry wrist watch. 7:36 a.m. I grab a raspberry granola bar and head out the door. Once I get to the bus stop (7:40), I decide to spend my extra time reading. I love reading. I find it helps reduce stress, improve knowledge and vocabulary, and helps ameliorate focus. Ori loves to read, too. She always tells me how insightful and bright I am. But, I'm not the kind of smart where I know every kind of animal, or memorizing the dictionary is my number one priority, or when the teacher asks a question I always know the answer. I'm the kind of smart where I figure things out easily, and understand things easily. On a math test for example,I won't know the answer right away, but I will be able to tell exactly what to do to get the answer.

I look out my bus window to see my school just around the corner. Just because it's Thursday and the week is almost finished, doesn't make it exciting whatsoever.

"Anne!" I heard a familiar voice call out from the other side of the blacktop.


The voice called again. It was my friend Piper.

"I could see your strawberry blonde hair from like three miles away." She giggled. I always wear my long, straight hair in a ponytail. I hate when my hair gets in my face. I have electric blue eyes, and just below them, my freckles rest. They only really exist because of the sun. I am quite pale, and my lips are full and red. I get asked a lot if I wear lipstick, but I can assure you that I don't.

As I walk to my class, I start to hear a low frequency buzzing sound. I ignore it until it gets louder and louder, and any drizzle of noise is completely blocked out by now. Thinking it's a bug, I start swotting the area around my ears, and a couple of girls walk by, looking at me as if I've gone completely insane. I can no longer hear, and my vision is now foggy. Then suddenly, my binder book flies across the room, hitting the wall, and missing a younger boy's head by inches. Then, It comes right back, and hits me right in the face. Hoping it knocked me into my senses, I look up to see blood drip down over my eyes, then I feel it drip down from my nose. I sprint to the bathroom, but collapse just before I make it there. A cold sharp pain running throughout my body, a painful sensation...my head throbbing in pain, I pass out.

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