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Bam! Bam! Bam! The door to Jimmy's room sounded like it was about to collapse. Jimmy just bolted himself inside his bedroom when his mother told him to go for a hike with her. " I don't want to go" screeched Jimmy as his mother forced him to go out the door. When he saw that his mother looked away he bolted up the stairs and quickly locked the door behind him. Before long his mother discovered that he did not run ahead of her and that he hid somewhere inside their house. As she hurried back she found some footprints on the stairs and thought that he might be upstairs. When she got upstairs she heard panting coming from Jimmy's room and knew he was inside. When she knocked on the door she heard nothing but when she banged harder she heard Jimmy quiver. As she slowly opened the door she saw Jimmy lying on his bed panting and playing his video game.

When Jimmy finally agreed to go for a brief hike with his mom they headed out the door. When they saw the emblem of the park they decided to have some lunch. After they finished they headed off into the long maze of trees to find the creek. They had made it about halfway to the creek before they heard a loud gunshot go off that made them jump right out of their skin. The two did not feel safe there so they decided to make their way back to the entrance and see what was going on. On their way back they spotted a suspicious-looking man carrying a white bird. As soon as the man saw them he immediately dropped the bird and tore off running. Jimmy hastily hurried over to the bird to only find it moving a little bit. There was lots of blood coming out of one of its wings and it only had a short time to live.

They tried calling the local vet, but being so dense in the forest there was no cell service. Jimmy had the idea of severing pieces of his extra shirt that he had in the backpack and sticking it over the bird's wound. They held up for a little bit of time until the blood just soaked right through it. When they were getting low on fabric they decided to start applying pressure to the wound to stop the bleeding. The bleeding started to stop but as soon as they released the pressure it started up again.

They were running out of time and they knew they had to do something fast so they took the bird to the nearest area with some sun and tried to see what kind it was. It was a bald eagle, it looked about six years old, but with a brain the size of a walnut. When they finally got some water and took off some of the blood it looked like the bird had been shot. They saw the man again and Jimmy tore off after him, he noticed that there were things falling out of his pockets and they were rolling right towards him. Jimmy picked one up and saw that it was a bullet and realized that this was not a safe situation because he had a gun. When he came back to his mom he said that we need to get out of here because they could be killed.

When they managed to make it to the parking lot they assessed what had happened and how the bird was doing. When they were running it must have started to bleed again because there was a large trail showing where they had been. When they got cell service again they called the nearest vet and said that they needed help immediately. They hurried over and when they saw the bird they knew what was wrong. He had been shot in the right wing. They bandaged him up and put him in a crate to go to the rehabilitation center where he could recover.

When they said thank you and drove off the mom and son started walking back to their house. When they got home they sat down with some ice tea and listened to the news. When they turned it on they saw a man running on the side of the road that looked just like the man they saw. On the banner across the bottom of the screen, it read " Alleged Eagle Poacher On Pursuit." They called the police and said they saw that man carrying a bird which they helped save and he has a gun on him. They watched on the news as a group of police officers swarmed him and nailed him to the ground. They put handcuffs on him and put him inside a police car.

When they turned off the news they had a very unique supper with their whole family to celebrate the good thing that Jimmy had done. Jimmy said that if his mother did not bring him to that area he would have never found that eagle. When they all congratulated him they had cake and partied all night. The next day Jimmy was so tired that he slept for a full 24 hours.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2016 ⏰

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