Magenta and Riff Raff's Journey Home and Magenta's Secret

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After Brad Majors, Janet Weiss and Dr. Scott departed the castle, the eerie building took off - starting Magenta and Riff Raff's journey home to Transsexual, Transylvania. Magenta was sat on the steps that lead up to the pool (where the bodies of Frank N. Furter and Rocky were still floating), whilst Riff Raff was leaning against the wall closely watching his sister. However, the doors that Brad, Janet and Dr. Scott had recently departed through had just opened and a little girl that looked no older than 3 years old and highly resembled Magenta came toddling through the room towards the former domestic. Magenta saw the toddler come towards her and placed the girl on her knee. What nobody knew, except the mansion's inhabitants, was that before the Transylvanian's departure from their home planet, the redhead had fallen pregnant. She gave birth several months after their arrival and kept the child hidden for the past three years.

Magenta chose to call her daughter Miranda and when she was born, Frank didn't want a child to get in the way of his mission, so he allowed Magenta to keep her daughter but she had to feed and nurse her in her room (with the help of Riff Raff, and when Columbia came along, she assisted Magenta in looking after Miranda), keeping Miranda out of the way.

When Miranda was placed on her mother's knee, she was confused - wondering why her mother and uncle were no longer in their servant clothes and why they were in their Transylvanian uniforms. The little girl then began to cry in her mother's arms asking "Mommy, what's going on? I thought I wasn't allowed to leave our room, why did you bring me out of there." Magenta smiled down at her daughter, "Miranda, my darling. You don't have to worry about staying in our room anymore. You see, after you were born, your uncle and I requested to our Master that we return to Transylvania but he always ignored our requests. But tonight, the Master had failed his mission that we had spent the past few years on Earth for, so your uncle and I decided that we had to take matters into our own hands. Uncle Riff Raff killed the Master, along with his creation and Columbia", Magenta's voice broke but tried to prevent herself from crying so that it wouldn't upset her daughter. However, since Miranda had shared her room with her mother and Columbia for the past few years, she had grown very fond of Columbia and although a child, she knew that Columbia was Magenta's only friend and she could see how upset her mother was which therefore caused Miranda to start to cry.

The redhead cradled her three year old in her arms, attempting to calm her down. "Don't cry sweetheart. I know you're upset about Columbia, I am too. She was my only friend here on Earth. But soon we will be returning home to our beloved planet, where you won't be left in a room all day. You will join me and your uncle and other Transylvanians, enjoying our singing and dancing. You will love Transsexual my dear." Magenta wiped away her daughter's tears and they both smiled at each other. "I know I'll love it Mommy, as long as I stay with you, then I am happy". Magenta then gave her daughter a kiss on the forehead; "Sweetheart, I will never leave you. Nobody will ever again tell me that you will be kept in a room. Everywhere I go and everything I do, you will be by my side. I never wanted to keep you in that room, but I was afraid that the Master would hurt you if I did otherwise, but he can't get you now my sweet girl. Mommy will never leave you alone." Miranda smiled at her mother, falling asleep in her arms.

Magenta continued to cuddle her little girl as she slept; Riff Raff came over and took his sleeping niece out of her mother's arms, rearranged some of the chairs that were used for Furter's floor show so that she could have a little bed to rest on during their journey home and he wrapped Miranda up in a blanket to keep her warm. The former handyman turned around to see his sister staring at Columbia's dead body at the other side of the room; Magenta began to sob but tried not to wake her little girl up. "How could you have killed her Riff Raff? My only friend." Riff Raff placed his arm around his sister, comforting her. "She attempted to protect Furter. If I didn't kill him, we wouldn't be on our way home, and you wouldn't be able to give your daughter all the love you've wanted to give her for the past three years. I know you and Columbia had become great friends. But I had the laser set on our former Master, but she screamed which caused me to turn around and the laser had hit her." Magenta was still sobbing, grieving over the death of her friend. "I should have done something to have stopped the laser from hitting her. I could have moved your arm or even taken the laser out of your hand." Riff Raff just stared at his sister, "And how do you reckon that would have turned out for you? What if during the struggle of trying to take the laser, it hit you? It would leave me without my sister, but most importantly your daughter would have been stolen of her mother. I know you are grieving Columbia my dear sister, but soon we will return home and we will live our lives as we had before we left, but with an extra priority: taking care of that little girl over there." Magenta glanced over to her sleeping daughter, and although she will grieve Columbia for quite a while, she knew that her brother was right. Once they returned to Transsexual, Magenta would be the mother that Miranda needed. "You're right Riff Raff. I am going to dearly miss Columbia. But once we are back in Transsexual, singing and dancing once more with other Transylvanians, I will be much happier."

Riff Raff wiped away his beloved sister's tears as the castle began to descend and suddenly land on the shores of Transsexual, Transylvania. Magenta kissed Miranda on the forehead, waking her up in a way that didn't frighten the three year old. "Wake up sweetheart, we're home. You're going to see our beloved planet for the very first time." Magenta then held her daughter in her arms and left the castle with Riff Raff by her side and Miranda in her arms. Riff Raff and Magenta were happy to be back on their home planet, and Magenta was even more relieved that she could be a more loving mother to Miranda, keeping Miranda more close to her (which Frank N. Furter stopped her from doing whilst on Earth), knowing that they would be safe now that they were back home in Transsexual, Transylvania.

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