» on love : agape.

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Summary: In which Yuri tries to understand what agape means. Reader is presumed DFAB, but pronouns are gender-neutral.

Word count: 1195

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"It feels like it's missing something..."

Yuri stopped dead-frozen in his tracks, quickly whipping his head around to see you – he's seen you before; he recognizes that familiar shining [hair colour] that flowed elegantly down your neck, the gentleness and the serenity of your warm [e/c] eyes, the grace and poise ambiance you held within yourself; he remembers – and there you were, out there, just a few mere feet of distance from him.

You had your hand under your chin, as if you were in deep thought. "Your performance is very good," you had muttered quietly to no one in particular, "but it's missing something... something important."

Though he might have been a few feet apart from you, he could still word out the phrases from your lips. You were, after all, the only one with him in the ice rink. And with such a huge building such as this, there was nothing and no one to hear from, other than you.

"What would you know?" He scoffs, turning his head. "It doesn't involve you."

"I may not be an expert skater like you," You snapped, "but I know a good show when I see one."

Suddenly, he's reminded of himself in you. The bite of your tongue; the change of temper. But unlike you, his grouchiness and overall prickly temperament stemmed all the way from his anger and his frustrations. You, on the other hand, were much more like a mother scolding a child.

"If you think you can help me out," he says, and you can almost hear the haughtiness in his voice, as if he expects that you couldn't figure him out, "then what was wrong with my performance?"

"It's lacking something." You answer, and he doesn't seem so surprised. You entered yourself in the rink, gliding your way across to his direction. (Yuri then thinks back to the first time he saw you; balanced and refined, much like how you were skating now.) "If I were to be an inexperienced judge, then perhaps I might have given you a good score," you thought out-loud, "but a good judge always the detects the littlest details. Something about your performance was... off."

"Like?" He was getting impatient. He did fine, right? He did everything that Viktor taught him to; there shouldn't be any problem. You were just saying this to deceive him.

"You're doing Agape, right?"

He doesn't respond.

"Agape is the highest form of love," you take one of his hand and lace your fingers with his – oddly enough, he does not do anything to stop you, so you continue, albeit slower. "It is genuine. It is pure. Innocent and untainted." You take his other hand and intertwine it with his. Your hands, he notices, are warm despite the temperature of the rink. "But when I saw you skating, you showed something else: greed, fury, and discontent."

Immediately, you pulled your hands away from him, the warmth of your touch quickly disappearing.

"You had something on your mind." You hummed.

He thinks about his grandfather and then shakes his head. "You're overthinking."

"I can still help, you know." You blurted out – it was out of recklessness, you knew – but after a moment thinking over about it, perhaps it wouldn't be so hard to teach this boy a thing or two. All he needed was to understand what Agape was; all he needed was to sort out and organize his emotions, if he could. "I mean, I think I can help you." You added, sheepishly.

That took him by surprise.

"What do you mean?" He doesn't understand. Help? You – wanted to help him?

"You're the one who's overthinking." Scoffing, you grab him by the wrist. "I'll help you."

Yuri thinks about it. He doesn't understand – he doesn't understand why you're trying to help him, why you're wasting your free time to help him. But as soon as he looks at your eyes, he gives in. Yuri still doesn't understand – but your eyes had swallowed him in; convinced him that maybe this wouldn't be such a bad thing. He wasn't going to deny that he needed help – the competition was only a few days away, and he knew he had to work harder to get what he wanted – so maybe, just maybe, this won't be bad.

"The he–" He pauses, rethinks his phrase. "What do you want me to do?"

A smile graces on your lips; playful and childish. Already, he is regretting this. "You look at me," dragging him by the wrist, you move together in the rink. "Think of me."

He looks at you incredulously, "How is that going to help me?"

"Don't think about that. Remember what I told you what Agape was about. Look at me. Then close your eyes and think about me."

He's skeptical – the idea sounds awfully stupid, but Yuri knows that there was no way of backing out now. So he sighs, tiredly, and nods his head while you gave him a cheeky grin. "Think thoroughly about it," you remind him, and then you skate over to the music station and play the music. On Love: Agape.

The music starts playing. He tries to remember your words. Agape is the highest form of love. His attention is drawn to you. It is genuine. It is pure. You're not too far from him – you're standing just a few feet away from him, just like before. He wonders why you're always near him, yet somehow always far. Innocent and untainted. And by then, he closes his eyes. He feels the beat of the music with his soul and thinks about you – tries to remember how you look like from his memories. Glimmering eyes and soft and pretty smiles.

Agape is the highest form of love.

He thinks about the moment you held hands with his – your hands were warm and soft. He longed to hold it again.

It is genuine. It is pure.

He thinks about your gentle, cheeky, smiles. Would it have been different, he wondered, if someone else had made you smile?

Innocent and untainted.

Your eyes – sparkling, gleaming, eyes. They were so full of life; so full of hope, something he hadn't seen in so long. These days, all he saw was determination – which wasn't bad, he supposed – and he was going to admit to himself that he was one of those people who gave those fiery eyes of ambition. But yours had been refreshing to see; it was so beautiful, so alluring, and he ponders for a moment if your eyes held something magical. Surely, you must have done something to it to pull him here. To pull him to you.

The music stops. He hears a clap. Yuri opens his eyes, and there you are.

"You did so beautifully," You went over to him, all smiles and charms. "I think you did it."

Yuri stays quiet for a moment. He doesn't know what to say; what to think. You're still in his thoughts. He doesn't think he can get you out there for a while, and if that was what Agape meant – with you being in his head, then he doesn't really mind.

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author's notes: haha ooc yuri *dabs* im sorry man. it's just. yuri was so cute on the last episode... i was like, i gotta write somethin for him. i actually don't think that he's ? some asshole tsundere or whatever. he's honestly such a nice person but, idk, like all teenagers – he's just angsty i guess LOL. i hav so much hope for this dude. #justiceforyurio2k16 !! I BELIEVE IN U MAN. and yeah i know it's supposed to be agape' with an apostrophe (*clenches fist* when u a greek lit minor) but listen.........i doubt anybody cares!!!!!! so it's gud lol

on love: agape ➳ yuri plisetskyWhere stories live. Discover now