Bubble Wrap

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 It was hard for Stian to look grumpy when he kept giggling, but he tried. And boy, did he try hard. He forced the corners of his mouth down, scrunched his forehead, and furrowed his eyebrows. Unfortunately for Stian it really isn't possible for him to look grumpy unless he's actually grumpy. And then he kept giggling as he was wrapped up. He tried really hard not to but it just slipped.

Now the look of determination on Kaleva's face was the real deal.  His jaw was set, his eyes focused on the task at hand. That, however, didn't mean he didn't notice his fiance trying to be grumpy. He acted the aloof mother, too bad, so sad. One reason he'd remained so focused on the task at hand was because every time he looked at Stian's face he was overwhelmed by a wave of affection. Stian trying to be grumpy was just too much.

This whole thing had started two weeks ago as bruises started appearing all over Stian's limbs. His upper arms, his shoulders, his shins, everywhere. He was too tall of a person, too much of a doof, and too clumsy for his own good. Kaleva had warned him after he'd run into the doorframe for about the millionth time.

"One of these days you're getting put in bubble wrap if you aren't more careful." He warned, his arms crossed. Stian smiled and kissed him. He knew that look. And he knew he should have known. Kaleva was a man of his word.

He hadn't expected to wake up and find Kale dragging a giant box of bubble wrap in. His fiance simply looked him in the eye and said, "I warned you."

"Other leg." Kale said, flicking him. Stian complied obediently.

"You're supposed to be my husband, not my mother." He tried to sass, though his doofy smile still snuck through.

"I can be both." Kale replied simply, pulling the wrap tightly, though not too tightly, around his thigh.

"When can I be done?"

"When you sit still." Kaleva grumbled, flicking him again.

An hour later Stian was still wiggling, this time while Kale was laying next to him. 

"How long do I have to keep this on?" Stian asked. 

Kale looked at him, considering. 

"Probably the rest of the day." He said, quietly popping one of the bubbles on Stian's arm. "Your bruises at least need a little time to heal before you create new ones." He continued popping the bubbles on Stian's arm.

"What if I were to turn into a seagull and fly away?" 

Kale continued his popping. "I'd become a kestrel and catch you, and then I'd wrap seagull you in bubble wrap so you couldn't move and carry you around and feed you cake." He kept popping the bubbles.

Stian smiled. "Why are you doing this again?" He asked, looking at Kaleva.

"Because you're a doof. And clumsy. And I warned you. And I don't like seeing you get hurt." Kaleva replied, popping a bubble on Stian's chest.

Stian closed his eyes happily and kissed his mom-fiance.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2016 ⏰

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