Dont Give Up

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If ya listening to this let me tell u somethin, when u go down in life, and trust me, u will go down at times in life, dont let it take u out, u just look at it and laugh and get back up, and if it fights u, u fight back and all the times u go down, DONT GIVE UP, if ur in pain or grief and feel like giving up and saying fuck this, i cant do it or im not good enough to do it ur wrong, ur a million times better than what u think u r, u just got to find out how, and DONT GIVE UP, if people r doubting u saying u cant do this or no way u got it, prove them wrong, dont let them be right, prove them wrong and DONT GIVE UP, hell, I gave up before but ya know what I regret it, if I could go back and push myself just a bit further, trust me brotha or sista, i would go back and push myself to my limit, listen to me when i say this, DONT GIVE UP, its just gonna hurt u badly, and trust me, ur gonna want the best for urself and ur family or friends, cause they're important to u, so like i said, DONT U AND I MEAN DONT U DAMN EVER GIVE UP, JUST DONT GIVE UP, and if ur still reading this, listen to what I say, cause I've been thro some shit yea, and well, I never wanted it to happen but it did, YA KNOW WHY, CAUSE I GAVE UP, THAT'S WHAT DESTROYED ME, SO PLZ JUST PLZ, DONT EVER GIVE UP, it'll help u out in life, just keep fighting and WIN, WIN LIKE U SHOULD, alright, thats all I got to say, thank u for reading and remember, dont give up :')

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