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Adalynn Sophia Grant. Yep that's me, a 17 year old outcast with a lot of issues. Typical depressed freak. I know what you're thinking, 'oh lord not another one of these tales' but stick around. I promise you won't be disappointed. So before I leap on into spilling my life story I suppose I should give a minor warning. My story, unlike most is not for the faint of heart. I've dealt with my share of bullshit and you are about to get an earful. So please, don't say I didn't warn you...



"That is not what I meant by write about yourself. You need to remove the curse word and actually put effort into it. Trust me, your grade needs it." Mr. Jacobs points out rudely.

Let's begin our journey with sitting in a lame ass English class with a teacher who just nags and nags about everythi-

He rips my paper from my desk and crumbles as it as he walks towards the trash can and tosses it in. He turns back to me, "Start over and I suggest you use proper format and take it seriously this time or I will see you next year."

Everyone looks around to see who he was talking to until there eyes land on me. My cheeks grow red as kids begin to snicker. Great now everyone thinks I'm a joke. Just lovely. The bell rings and I stand up with my books in hand and begin to walk for the door when I hear my name, I turn around and walk to Mr. Jacobs desk.

"What?" I protest.

"What's going on with you?" he questions me.


"Don't lie. I can tell something is going on. You don't even try anymore. Is stuff going on at home again?"

Okay. So Mr. Jacobs knows quite a good bit about me, seeing as how he is one of my favorite teachers and I literally confide in him for everything.

"How could you have ever guessed?!" I gasp with exaggeration.

He sighs heavily and rubs his forhead, "Look Ad, I know you're struggling. A lot. But you need to try and take this stuff serious. You want to graduate right?"

I nod.

"Then actually try" he continues sounding more like a father than a teacher, "I'm here to help you. By helping you I'm going to push you to graduate so you can get the hell away from here."

"Thank you." Is all I say as I walk out the door glancing back to give a small smile and a light nod.

Sadly English is my last class of the day, which means I'm only closer to having to go home. The place I dread the most. My father is a shit alcoholic and my mother has been missing for years, who knows where she went. So my father picked up a new chick a couple months back who only eggs on his nasty behavior.

I go to my locker, toss my books in and start to head for the main doors. Most of the time right after school I go to an old abandoned dance studio. It's just a few blocks from the school on the sketchy part of town. I enjoy going there, it's nice having an escape from people. I just don't ever seem to fit in, anywhere. At school everyone thinks I'm a freak because of my past. When I was 8 I was kidnapped for years, where I was beaten, rapped, starved and tortured until some old couple found me laying unconscious in a ditch by their field. Twenty three miles from my house when I was 15. It took A LOT of therapy and a stay in a mental institution to recover from the incident. Well I suppose you never really recover from something like that. When I returned I thought people would be more sympathetic of what I had endured, but no. It was like I was freak, I was constantly bullied about the whole situation and what friends I thought I had before. Gone. But it's alright. I'd rather be alone anyway.

As I approach the old building I walk around to the back and climb in through an old broken window. Ahh home sweet home. I enjoy this place. It's often where I come to get away from the house. It's my escape where I can dance and be free and not have a care in the world. I love it! I plug in my phone to these old speakers I brought a while back and turn shuffle on. I take my coat off as a song begins to blare through the speakers. And I dance. I dance as though I'm as light as feather, because in that moment. I am. I could be carried away by the wind if I so choose, never return, see the world and it's beauty. I dance as though I don't have a care in the world. Forget the stress of trying to graduate, money, family, it doesn't matter anymore. I dance as if there is no tomorrow. It's never promised, so why should we not live each day to the absolute fullest. I dance to the best damn song in the world. My favorite song, the one that brings all the feelings to the surface, good and bad. I dance to the song my nan used to sing to my sister and I when we're children before she passed. Before they passed. Your song by Elton John. I danced to it when I was younger in a school talent show and took first. A beautiful song to do ballet too.

Time escapes me and before I know it's 10 at night. I unplug my phone, slip my shoes back on and grab coat and no head for the window. I climb out and begin my journey down the streat to head home, it's quite a long walk. Roughly a mile and a half. The longest mile and a half. I dread every step knowing I'm going to a place I don't feel wanted or loved. Knowing I'm going to a place where I'm beaten and mistreated. Oh lord I can't wait to get the hell outta here.


Yayyy first chapter complete!!!!!!!!!!! So I know One Direction wasn't in this chapter yet and I promise they will be in here. But I want to ease into it and not just drop the bomb ya know?  So be patient! If you have any suggestions, comments, concerns or questions feel free to either message me personally or whatever you choose! I would appreciate your feed back. ALLSSOOO please be sure to like and comment! That would be greatly appreciated!

Lots of love. xxxx

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2016 ⏰

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