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???'s Point Of View

I run through the town. No. No. No. I half to get home in time. If I don't he'll notice and be waiting for me. I reach my family's huge castle. I slowly and quietly open the door, as I open the door I feel a slap on my face and get sent to the ground. I hit the ground and get kicked in the gut. As a reflex I curl up into a ball and grip my stomach. My Five year old body stings. Salty tears fill my eyes, and I look up, with everything being blurred. I see a figure I make out to be my adopted father. He has a disappointed face. My father pulls me up by my collar. He has me so I'm face to face with him.

"WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU!!!!!!!" He yells in my ears. He snarls at me, and spits in my face. "I- I was-" I was cut off by a thud just below me. An Apple I had bought at the market of our Village, fell out of my pocket. NO. "WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!!!!! ARE YOU BUYING FOOD, AFTER I FEED YOU!!!! YOU SPOILED BRAT!!!!" He shouts, as he throws me to a wall. "ROOM. NOW!!!!!" He adds.

I pick myself up, and bolt away from him. I climb down a long flight of stairs almost to the dungeon. I open a small closet, which is my room. I close the door. I look in my room. Small torch to light it up. A cat bed for me to sleep. And a box. A light blanket over a small pillow. I left up the blanket and pillow and see the injured wolf I've been taking care of. She has a family, and she's huge. Bigger than me. The tears in my eyes grow bigger and I sit on my knees, on my bed next to the wolf. I lay my head on her and cry. In this house I don't eat unless given food, and I don't talk unless talked to. The mama wolf licks my face. She's telling me, it'll be ok. I hear my bedroom/closet door open. I turn my head and see my father and a guard. My eyes widen, he doesn't know about the wolf.

"Guard. Grab the wolf and meat me outside. Grab my revolver." He smirks, as the guard picks up the wolf and tackes her away. "NO!!!!YOU CAN'T KILL HER!!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs. I go to run after the wolf, but he stops me. "I'm not killing, you are." He smirks once again. He grabs me by my collar and left's me up. Dragging me outside. I see the wolf laying on the ground, she's to weak to run. My adopted father throws me right in front of her. His revolver drops in front of me. I cry and he keeps yelling to me. 

"SHOT IT YOU FUCKING PEACE OF CRAP!!!! "He keeps yelling over and over.  My hand shakes as pic the rifle up.  I look at the wolf whom doesn't care.  She says shoot me.  I caused you enough trouble.  I close my eyes and pull the trigger.  A large yelp and bang is herd.  My heart breaks and fall to the ground as tears fill my eyes blacking out. 

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