Chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

Cayla Montgomery has no idea what to expect as her parents die in a car accident. Cayla knows that everything is about change now that they're gone. A week after their deaths, she was told to pack up what she wanted to take with her and that she was headed to Washington.

"Washington? Who's in Washington?" she asked Herald. He was her social worker that was assigned to her case.

"Well, in your parents will, we found that they left you to your uncle. He is your dad's brother. His name is Brian. I talked to him and told him you were coming. He seems nice."

"Since when do i have an uncle?" Cayla asked, confused. "Mom or Dad never told me that i had an uncle. Why wouldn't they tell me? And what do you mean they left me to him? So what does that mean? He like owns me now?" I couldnt stop. I was so angry with my parents. I remember asking them why we had no other family members that came to visit us in California. They always told me that both pairs of grandparents died and that they didn't have any brothers or sisters.

"Why would they lie to me?" I thought aloud.

"Well I expect they were gonna tell you when you were old enough." Herald told her.

"Whatever!" Cayla mumbled under her breath.

She turned torwards the window and shut her eyes. She was sort of creeped out to go live in the woods with no one around but her uncle Brian. Yeah, she loved the woods but she still found it creepy.

Ugg, she thought, he probably doesn't know anything about me either.

The drive there to Washington has been so long and we aren't even close yet. The worst part is that Herald is a big talker. He has not shut up the whole time we've been in the car, which has been almost 12 hours.

"How much longer?" Cayla asked.

"We still probably have about another 5 hours to go kiddo." Herald explained.

"Just kill me now." Cayla muttered unintelligibly. 5 freaking hours? What the hell? We lived in the middle of California. How did they still have 5 left?

"You okay there kiddo? You look like something's bugging you." Herald told her.

"I'm fine. A little tired I think I'm going to try and take a nap." Cayla explained.

"Okay. I'll try and be quiet so you can get some shut eye." He replied.

I put in my headphones and tuned Herald out. Apparently he couldn't be quiet. As soon as he replied to her, he started rambling about a recent trip to Washington.

The music i was listening to helped me fall asleep as always. It helped me stop thinking about thing I didn't want to. Avril Lavigne always helped me no matter what the situation was.

I don't exactly remember when I fell asleep but I woke up about halfway through a 4th album of Avril Lavigne. It was 5 o'clock. I'd fallen asleep at 1. Great, I thought. Still another hour.

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