Yoosung's Crush

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New Status Update: First days are always the hardest.. but with a positive attitude, and a smile, I will be just fine!

Ana posted to Facebook before shutting off her phone and staring up at the University. Yup, today was her first day as a transfer student from her home Country. She wondered how different things would be here.. but she was excited over all. And a little bit nervous.

"Now.. where's the administrations office?" She asked herself out loud without meaning to.

Ana looked around at her surroundings but still wasn't sure which way to go. Sighing, she pulled her phone back out at looked at the grounds map the lady she spoke to on the phone sent her through email.

"Ah, this way~!" She grinned to herself and slipped her phone back in her pocket again.

Once she was there, she eagerly pushed the doors open, only to send  a person flying to the floor, holding their face, "O-Ouch!"

Ana gasped and dropped down to the boys side, "I'm so sorry! I.. Are you okay?!"

Please be okay!

"I-I'm fine.. I think." He lifted his head and and his eyes slightly widened before he quickly stood up and brushed dirt off his clothes, "I'm sorry.. It was probably my fault.."

She's cute.. Yoosung thought before erasing that thought from his mind. I can't believe I fell down.. I'm so embarrassed!

"Not at all, I should have been more careful

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"Not at all, I should have been more careful.." Ana sweat-dropped. I can't believe I hurt someone not even five minutes of being here!

Yoosung smiled, "Are you a transfer student?" He asked peering down at the flag pin from your country that was on your bag.

"Yes, I am. Oh! I'm Ana by the way."

"Right, I'm Yoosung."

Ana smiled and nodded, "Yoosung~ it was nice meeting you.. Um, here!" Yoosung watched as she took out a band-aid from her bag and hand it to Yoosung, "Y-Your cheek is bleeding.. I'm really sorry!" Ana bowed and apologized before leaving Yoosung behind speechless.

She's cute and nice~! Yoosung thought happily. He hoped that you two would meet each other again.

"Ah, Ana Hye! Yes, you are registered right here.. however, there are no girl dorms available at the moment. I'm sorry. Should I put you on a waiting list?"

Ana forced a smile and nodded, "Yes, please. Thank you."

Ana was happy to be registered, but if there were no dorms available.. what was she going to do? First.. she needed to get a job that wasn't too far, and then she needed to rent a near by apartment to the university since she couldn't pay for bus.  At the moment, she only had five hundred dollars, so for now she could stay at a hotel until she found a job.. but.. She sighed. She had no idea how long she would be on the waiting list.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2016 ⏰

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