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 Grace knows it's early, especially for a Saturday. Her first Saturday off in who knows how long. It doesn't help that her head is pounding from a hangover but at this point, she's just grateful that she doesn't have to be anywhere today.

She parks rather sloppily at the curb and stumble-sprints up the driveway, cursing at how bright it is for 8:11 in the morning. Graces leans heavily on the doorbell and tries not to let her mind go too far back into last night.

Thankfully and not-so-thankfully, the door opens to reveal Swike in baggy sweats and a worn college shirt. A bowl of cereal is in her manicured hand and the bun on her head is perfectly messy. Swike greets Grace with a vague look of surprise and Grace's mind leaves her. Even like this, Sarah looks totally put-together. She looks deliberate and effortless. Much like the models for Victoria Secret sporting sleep wear that Grace would most definitely buy. Grace almost hates her for it.

Grace's headache snaps her back to reality and she says the first thing that comes to mind.

"We slept together," Grace blurts out. Grace freezes then looks down at the ground. Maybe it'll open up like a clam and swallow her whole. Maybe she'll melt onto the concrete like an ice cream cone. She's not picky, she's honestly okay with either. Finally, Grace peeks at Sarah and this helps to keep the panic at bay. Sarah's brow is noncommittally furrowed and she is regarding Grace with impenetrable green eyes as brilliant as this goddamn sun. Grace squints and her headache eases a little.

"A bit louder, Grace. I don't think my neighbors heard you," Sarah says finally, teasingly. She sends a wicked smile and relief floods Grace's gut before embarrassment can. Sarah kicks her door open further.

"Come in."

Grace obeys and follows Sarah inside, shutting the door softly as if the neighbors may actually be listening.

Sarah leads Grace into the kitchen and Grace plops down into a seat at the island as Sarah moves to the milk frother on her counter. A tense moment passes before Sarah speaks again.

"So, you remember last night?" Sarah asks from her place at the stove. Grace takes her time to reply, watching Sarah quite literally whip up some pancakes.

Grace is used to professional Sarah, business tycoon Sarah. A force to be reckoned with. The Sarah in front of her now is foreign. This is casual Sarah, domestic Sarah. Unheard of, really. Grace almost believes this is something of a dream. It is uniquely charming and Grace is entranced, subconsciously savoring this rare moment with a different side of her. Later, Grace will obsess over this, will create endless universes in which she sees Sarah in sweatpants and they are together. Grace comes back to earth when Sarah glances at her over her shoulder, waiting for a reply.

"Yes," Grace answers finally. "I remember. Bits and pieces."

Grace feels her cheeks redden. Sarah smiles sheepishly at her.

"Sorry for leaving so early. Had a stupid meeting in the morning. If it means anything, it was quite difficult to leave you. You were so warm," Sarah says matter-of-factly.

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