Request form (OPEN)

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So hey! I'm going to be making some covers for people to practice editing. If I make you a cover you are under no obligation to use it for your story, however if you wish to use it please credit me.

(UPDATE 29.10.2016: I will now also be accepting any requests for any other type of edit e.g. manips, backgrounds, profile pictures, banners etc - Just be clear in your request as to what you would like)

I will add some examples of edits/covers I have tried to make in the next chapter.
Here is the form: Please fill out in Comments or Message me :)

1) Name of Book

2) The wrestler/s that you wish to appear on the cover
(If you would like another celebrity that is also fine, or if you would like a random person to represent an OC the please describe them)

3) Any particular colours you would like. (Optional question)

4) Any other detail, e.g. A quote from the book.


That's all! Please be kind and patient!

WWE Cover Shop (CLOSED)Where stories live. Discover now