Loopy Ultimate

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It was a happy time in Toontown. All of the Cogs had been eradicated and the Toons were celebrating. Loopy, being one of the celebrators, managed to keep his cool and not go crazy like everyone else. "Isn't this epic?" asked Tails, who was nearby. Loopy turned to his orange horse friend and said, "Yeah. It is." Someone nearby launched a jellybean unite phrase. "Cool! Someone just gave us free jellybeans!" said Tails. Loopy, not even paying attention, was staring in the distance. "Loopy?" asked Tails. He went over to where Loopy and stared in the distance. "UH OH." they both said together.

Suddenly, meteors began to fall from the sky as a massive Cog Ship approached. At the top of the crow's nest on the ship, was Girguin, the evil Lego Giraffe-Penguin mix boss. "Muahahahahahaha!!!" he said. Then he launched a large hook at Toon Hall. The hook latched onto the building and ripped Toon Hall clear out of its foundation. Loopy grabbed Tails by the arm and super-jumped onto the bottom of the ship. "Why are we doing this!?" asked Tails. Suddenly, Girguin appeared on the underside of the ship and blasted Loopy and Tails with a giant blue brick. They were last seen falling into Chip N' Dale's Winter Woods (unknown to most toons).

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2012 ⏰

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