Fresh Start.

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Rebekah POV~

First year in a new school, Fresh start! (wohoo!)

Everyone was happy to leave Smithwall primary, i was too. To leave my bad memories in that awful place, I never had many friends.. If I lost a friend, that's it really, I had no one, All i had with me were snobby, shallow girls. The boys were no better.

This is it. Really, My first year in Secondary school!! Tomorrow I will be at my first day at hell.


Steven POV~


I will miss my friends at Stoneharp primary, but I need to move on. I have Brooklyn and Aaron to be my bro's. I am so happy to get away from Brixton, He is going to a stupid Secondary! (Pfft)

Also, I have Tara, my girlfriend. She is stunning, she had long dark brown hair, with gleaming blue eyes. She was perfect.

I had everyone on my side, My parents get me what I want, And I get what Tara wants. Simple! My life couldn't get any better, Right?




Steven POV~


Today's the day, I woke up at 7:20am for my morning football training, then had a fruit salad for breakfast, now, I am going to get dressed. I slipped my shirt and tie on.

My mum packed my bag, I was ready, my dad dropped me off at school. I saw Aaron and Brooklyn, They had found the friends from other schools, I had like 12 other boys from other school, And Tara just came! I hope she likes the necklace I got for her, And just as I expected, Tara loved it!

Suddenly, after looking over Tara's shoulder, I saw her.....

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Oct 26, 2016 ⏰

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