Hiccstrid: Our Day

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So, I was tagged in PassionWriterHJH's Hiccstrid Wedding book and asked to write my own Hiccstrid wedding as well. Also, y'all know how a tag book works, whoever gets tagged can write a book of their own version of Hiccstrid's wedding, if they want to, so I tagged five people, as instructed by PassionWriterHJH. If you're tagged and you don't want to write it, no prob. Don't feel pressured. Anyway, I had a lot of fun writing this book, hope you enjoy it! tsquared2002 shy_fangirl scarletspeed TheInfernoPrince DiamondQueen99
Astrid's POV
Maybe a bit more to the left," I muttered under my breath. I squinted and cocked my head to the side, trying to see if the tent was perfectly centered.
   "You're gonna have to speak up," Gobber called from his side of the tent.
   "What? Pull up?" Yelled Tuffnut.
   "You got it!" Yelped Ruffnut. The twins yanked on their side of the tent with all their might, ripping Gobber off his feet and dragging him into the tent. The entire structure collapsed with a thud. I closed my eyes and tried with all my might not to scream at the twins.
   "Oops," Tuffnut mumbled, but I could see his grin. Tuffnut snickered behind him.
   "We'll try it later," I said, carefully enunciating each syllable so I didn't chew them out. I stomped back to my house and slammed he door with all my might. Dropping into a chair, I let my head sink into my hands. Why is planning a wedding so hard? I thought it was supposed to be fun; a celebration of two people's love for one another, not a stressful disaster. Although if the twins were involved, everything was a stressful disaster.
   I sighed, then realized Hiccup had just walked in.
   "Hey," he said. His brow furrowed in concern. "You okay?"
   "Fine," I said. I straightened up and wore a smile. "No more stressed than you are, what with adjusting to your new role and all. Being Chief can't be easy."
   "No it's not," he said sighing. He plopped down next to me in another chair. I leaned over and rested my head on his shoulder.
   "How are you, though? Besides the stress of wedding planning." I smiled. Even through his own stress, Hiccup still put my happiness first.
   "Fine, I guess," I replied. "I just thought this would be easier. How are you? Besides the stress of being Chief?"
   "Fine, I guess," he replied with a grin. "Same as you, I just thought it'd be easier." I nodded in agreement. He leaned over and kissed the top of my head. "I've still got you, so that's all I need."
   I pulled back just far enough to see his face. I gave him a genuine smile.
   "I love you," I said.
   "Love you too," he said with his lopsided grin.
   "What happened here? And what do you mean, you can't find the dragons?" Hiccup asked in exasperation.
   In the area where our wedding was supposed to be, a pile of ash, splintered wood, and torn decorations sat. I had worked so hard on all of that, and now it was gone.
   "Uh, I mean I can't find them," repeated Tuffnut. "You know like, 'hey, do you know where the dragons are?' 'Nope, haven't seen 'em.' That kind of thing." Hiccup's face twitched in irritation, but I saw him quickly shove it away. The Chief couldn't be seen losing his temper. "But as to what happened, the dragons went all psycho and burned everything. I dunno where they went, though, they just took off."
   "Okay," he said as he regained his composure. "Start a search party. Fishlegs, Heather; you go search the north side of the island. Snotlout, Tuffnut, Ruffnut, you search the east side. I'll take the west, Astrid can you take the south?" I nodded. "And..." He turned to the mess that had once been the wedding area. "Gobber, can you gather some people and start cleaning this up? We'll be back as soon as we can."
   We all separated our respective ways to find our wayward dragons. I began at the docks, and worked my way up to the nearby fields. As I created a hill, I finally found a knot of dragons in the center of the hollow. Not just a knot of dragons, but all the dragons. Every last dragon from the island was in the hollow. I stood confused for a moment, giving the dragons time to see me. I saw their pupils narrow; saw their mouths begin to glow with fire. My eyes widened in shock, and I dropped to the ground a second before a blast of heat seared the hillside. I was in shock, but that didn't prevent me from moving. I leapt up and sprinted back to the town. Not everyone was back yet, only Hiccup.
   "Astrid!" He cried. "What happened?"
   I stopped, hands on my knees as I tried to catch my breath.
   "Dragons... Found them... Attacked... Me..." Hiccup's expression hardened.
   "Where are they?" He asked. I pointed in the direction from which I'd come. The others were arriving back by now. Hiccup turned to them.
   "Who was in charge of the food," he asked lightly.
   "Umm, Hiccup, sorry, but I don't think now is the time to be thinking about food," Fishlegs squeaked.
   "Now is the perfect time," he retorted. He turned slowly in a semicircle so he could look at everyone in turn. "Who. Was in charge. Of the food."
   "Oh, that was me," Tuffnut admitted casually. "Yeah, I came up with this really awesome concoction, eel stew. Stunk up just about the whole island, though." Everybody gaped at him. "What?"
   "Eel stew? As in the one food that makes dragons go psycho?" Heather asked in exasperation. Tuffnut stared blankly for a minute before realization slowly dawned on his face.
   "Oh. Right. I knew there was a reason we never eat eel."
   Ruffnut smacked her brother so hard he spun around before hitting the ground.
   "Owwwwwww," he moaned.
   "I... Don't even know what to say about this," Hiccup admitted. He shook his head and sighed. "Just... Just make sure it doesn't happen again." Tuffnut weakly saluted from his spot on the ground.
   "Will do," he croaked.
   By the end of the day, the eel stew had been disposed of, and the dragons were slowly able to be coaxed out.
I walked through the wreckage where Hiccup and I would have stood to get married. The wedding was supposed to have been tonight. I picked up and studied a charred piece of wood. Sighing I let it topple back to the ground.
"Sorry... About all this," came a voice behind me. The only voice that could comfort me right now. I turned to see Hiccup standing in the wreckage. My sadness was reflected in his eyes.
   "It's fine," I said. My voice shook. "It's just..." I trailed off. "This... This was supposed to be our day." He gave me a long look, then smiled. He stepped closer to me and took my hands.
"You know, none of this stuff really mattered anyway." I started to protest, but he interrupted. "I'm not saying that all your hard work didn't matter, but look on the bright side. We still have each other. We didn't really need any of these fancy decorations or tents or food." Looking into his warm, kind eyes, I realized he was right. I returned his smile. Before I could say anything, his eyes lit up; an idea had obviously sprung into his head.
"It's not too late," he said eagerly. "In fact, it's the perfect time!" He gestured towards the horizon, which was stained in beautiful hues of red, yellow, and gold. "Sunset," he continued. "It's the perfect time. What do you say? Astrid, will you marry me? Right now?"
I realized I was grinning so wide my face hurt, but I didn't care. I couldn't even bring myself to speak, so I just nodded. Hiccup grabbed my hand and led me to Gobber's hut. We convinced him to come to the beach and perform the ceremony there. We ran to our friend's houses, then to our families'. Soon we were all gathered by the ocean. We hadn't even bothered to change out of our usual clothing; Hiccup had said that 'this was us.'
Then in front of our family and friends, the ceremony began.
"Then I now pronounce you husband and wife!" Gobber finished. "You may kiss the bride!" Everybody cheered, the dragons roared, but as we leaned in for our first kiss as husband and wife, it was just us. And it was perfect.
"I love you," he murmured. I didn't even try to hide my smile.
"I love you, too."

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