Fallen Knights

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The king stood there astonished at what the other man in dark metallic armor had done to him. He looked down revealing a sharp jagged sword impaled into his body. He gasped for breath as it went deeper and deeper into his flesh till eventually it had pierced his body. The king then looked at the man in black and with one last breath he exasperatedly yelled at the other "You shall not get away with this!" The man in black walked up to the king slowly making a loud clunk sound each step. He then got close to the king's face and replied "And who is going to stop me?" He chuckled and pulled the jagged sword out of the kings large flesh wound. The king fell to the ground with a large thud. After twitching a little it was quite easy to realized that the king was dead and that the cold hearted man in black was the one to blame.

     Chapter one

A thud came through the large wooden door as a guy bustled in the cheerful tavern. Everyone turned to look even the fat man sleeping was awoken by this bang. When they looked it revealed a smaller man about 5,4 who had a cloth strap covering his chest and large metal greaves to protect his lower body. He had shaggy blonde hair that drooped down and covered his eyes. "Hey boss!" One of the men drinking ale exclaimed. The tavern got extremely quiet for second some could say you could even hear a pin drop. But in sudden shock the tavern men grew with great excitement and flooded the undersized man. "What did you bring us today!" asked the man that was missing his teeth. "I brought us a quest!" Exclaimed the man in armor. The room once again got silenced as if they expected something more out of him. "A-a quest.. But where is the silver, food and shelter that you promised us?" The old man barked at the other. The other started agreeing with the old man shaking her head and throwing out yahs and you promised. "I know I promised you all of that but I cannot quite retrieve all of that yet" He sighed. "What do you mean not yet!.. It's been more than a month since you said all that!" He growled. The man in armor looked around seeing all the faces of disappointment all directing at him piercing his soul. "I I'm sorry.." The man in armor could barely speak he hated disappointing other people and he could feel all of it at this moment. "Get out of e're you are just causing us more debt than what we were already in!" Shouted a man in the back. Then at that moment the armored man was grabbed by the yelling mob and tossed out of the building roughly. "And don't think about coming back you e're me" He barked as he coughed up mucus that was in his throat.

Chapter Two

After he was thrown out of the tavern the man in armor had no choice but to head back to his room in the local town. To reach the town you had to go through a couple of miles of woods, but these were no ordinary woods. It was cluttered with wolves, angry spirits, thieves and giant rodents. It is called the Akuma Forest and many have died trespassing through it. The armored man approached the entrance of the forest. He glanced it over knowing many have suffered and died in this particular place. "Well.. here goes nothing.." He remarked as he cautiously walked into the gaping entrance. As he entered he could hear the ruffling of small animals and the laws of the crows. An hour later he heard it the footsteps of someone. He had been followed. He quickly turned around to see a ruthless group of thieves. The leader of the thieves was easy to spot he was the big one in the front of the group. He was wearing an eyepatch and had dark blue cloak. He was equipped with two daggers that could pierce through a body easily. To the left was a younger looking female who seemed a lot less experienced, so she was equipped with a flimsy wooden bow that could barely be tugged on without snapping itself in half. But on the man's right were to bulky men carrying steel hatchets.

"I have no gold if that is what you are looking for.." Sighed the man in armor. "Well then.. Tell me your name.. Before you die.." He laughed. "Well if you insist.. My name is Leo Schelft" He smirked. The troops surrounding the men looked shocked and took a step back. It got silent but not completely silent there was a ruffling as the man on the right fell as he screamed in agony. When Leo went to look at what had happened the man got dragged away. Everyone stood in shock at what they had just seen. "W-what the hell was that!" Cried out the female as she curled up into a ball. "Probably giant rodents or wolves. They travel in packs so be prepared."As he said that a growl and a group of wolves came out of the bush behind the thieves. They quickly turned around in shock. "Stand behind me!" Shouted the group's leader as the others shuffled behind him. The wolves approaching the group slowly jumped at the leader toppling him. "Run!" He demanded at the other two. They looked around for a way out. "Well.. Follow me if you want to live I guess... " He sighed and ran in the opposite direction. The others reluctantly followed him the last sight they could see behind them was their leader getting mauled by wolves. "Don't worry about him he is strong.. He should live for, but now worry about your own life. The wolves haven given up on us yet." He noted as the they heard growls behind them. They looked back to see the wolves chasing them. The young girl shrieked in fear as she saw the wolves grab her other friend. She stopped and ran back trying to help him when she felt an arm grab ahold of her wrist. "Are you brain dead... One more second and they would have moved onto you." He cried. She covered her ears as she heard her friend screaming in pain as he was ripped apart by each wolf. "W-we have to help him!" She gasped. "We have to save save ourselves first.. He is a goner anyways..." He mumbled. Her eyes widened as she they continued to run. A tear dropped down her face. "I never wanted this to happen.. I knew this mission was bad news.. Trying to rob you.." She looked down. "Stop.. thinking of what could have been done.. What is done is done... " He grabbed her and put her on his back. "Now hold on..." He demanded. She struggled and pounded trying to get out of his grip. "Let go of me! Let go of me!" She shrieked. It got silent and kept going with her continued to slam her fist into his back.

Chapter 3

He dropped the girl outside of the forest and glared at the young female. "What the hell were you thinking!" He shouted at her. She looked down as he yelled at her. "I-I just wanted to help them.. Now they are all dead.." She cried. "Don't look into the past.. Because from here on now until we meet up with your old boss you are staying with me" He sighed. She looked at the man in shock "N-no way I am staying with you.. You are Leon Schelft the bandit slayer... Y-you were know for stopping the raid started by us bandits by killing half of us on your own! How do I know you want kill me?" She questioned as she scooted backwards. "Well what else I am supposed to.. Even if I let you go right now who says I won't kill you while you leave..? I haven't killed you yet is that not enough proof that I am serious?" Leon yawned. She sat there in thought for awhile. "Fine... I-I will go with you as long as you won't hurt me.." The women could barely say the sentence. Leon was a little shocked when she agreed. "Well then I guess we should go to the village outside Front Keep Castle.. And then

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2016 ⏰

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