The Abyss

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Huh, looks like a body without a soul. Heh, nice. Unfortunately, I am to powerful and would destroy that physical form. However, it is my job to destroy worlds, erase souls, and I have someone who can.

"K! To me! Now!" I call.

My minion approaches. We've been in this abyss for to long. It's time one of us continue our job.

"I found a physical form you can use. It's a weak, pure world, but it's story is over. Destroy it."

My minion remains silent. I call them K, but their real name is none of your business. The darkness surround us, swallowing us whole. It's so cold, so dark, there is nothing but nothingness.

"No," we reply.

"What did you say K?" I ask, "need I remind you I destroyed your souls. You only exsist because I allow it! You are an unholy, useless, amalgamation and you shall know your place! You are no more than a series of thoughts!  You have no form of your own. You are not alive or dead, but I could kill you, so, what did you say?"

We stare at our master, looking right where his eyes would be if they had any.  They're right though, we are an amalgamation, hence why we say we. However, we will not kill again!

"We said no!" We exclaim.

I grab them by the throat they flicker in and out of existence. "You listien and you listien good," I growl, "I created you, and if you fail me after this display I will kill you, slowly, painfully. Is that clear?"

They drop us. "Fine," we sigh, "we'll go."

We begin to travel between universes to posses the corpse. "Hey!" A voice yells. A powerful being known as Hatred blocks our way, "listien I know I've done horrible things, but please, for the greater good, take one for the team."

"No," we reply, "if we are to die it will not be by our master's hands. So, Hatred, if you will please let us pass."

Hatred prepares to use magic. We don't have time for this, we gotta go before our master gets upset. We take an offensive stance, only to flee, catching Hatred off guard, but he's to late to stop us. For better or for worse we arrive.

We posses the corpse, and begin to do our job...

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