Spokenwords- Testimony of my Unstoppable Love

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This is more than words stringed along to be spoken,

this is my testimony of praise, a testimony that I am no longer living in shame,

no longer is sin my master and all glory goes to the Most High,

the shackle breaker of every sin , a liberator , a redeemer, a God who can turn a rebellious being like my self, a sin loving God-hating in my actions into a woman , a woman in submission to pursue righteousness, to pursue holiness,

the spirit is a  witness, that through his grace I am saved,

As I grew far apart from you, sin harden my heart to your very love,

the love of the world seemed so captivating, I took a bite, I was trapped into my retro-bated mind,

enslaved to my vile sins, enslaved to the dark walls of my iniquity, that Christ died to break down,

I hid it in my heart, I hid it in my thoughts, but nothing is ever hidden from you Lord,

you see all things, EL Roi, you saw me laying in the pigsty, in my own vomit, yet you still pursued me,

I fought, but I failed, but as the years went past, I never gave up,

 I never gave up in believing, that one day you will allow me to be free, and to walk in your righteousness,

you embraced me, clothe me in your righteousness, fulfilled your promise that you would give me a new heart, you saved me for your name sake, so that your name alone would be glorify,

with every tears I shed over the years, you made a note of it all, I cried out during the day, I shed my tears in the night,

The enemy whispered lies, which I almost believed,

but look now, I am free,

I write this to you all, that whatever you are struggling with,

don't lose faith in Christ, keep holding on, because like I, you will also have your own testimony of praise, though the tunnel seems dark now,

The God we serve, keeps us in the palm of his hands, he chose us to be holy, so he will make us holy,

he will give us the spirit to dwell within , that will give us the strength to wage war on our flesh, he was victorious, so let's walk in victory.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2013 ⏰

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