Shu x Reader

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"Yes finally!", you thought as you answered the final problem to your math homework. You hated math and that worksheet took forever to complete. It was so complicated that you had to keep looking at your notes and google factors just so that you can complete one problem. You were glad that you were done with it so you packed up everything for school tomorrow and then you took a well deserved hot shower. 

After you were done with putting on lotion and other body products, you brushed your teeth and slipped on your nightgown. It was so soft and light that it literally felt like you were wearing nothing. "At least the Sakamaki's have a good taste in clothes", you thought as you walked over to your bed. You threw yourself on the bed and sank into the silky bed sheets, feeling like you were in heaven.

"I'm so ready to go to sleep", you thought and you snuggled your face into the pillow. You didn't know how many seconds or minutes had passed by but just as you were about to fall asleep you felt something put its arm around your hip and pull you into its chest.

Your eyes snapped wide open and you screamed while trying to get away from it but it held you firmly in place. "Stop being so bothersome" you hear somebody say and then you look at the jacket of the person and recognize it.

"Shu?", you say. You hear him sigh and he just pulls you more into him. "Shu let go of me!", you say hating the fact that you feel helpless. You didn't like it when the Sakamaki's try to flirt with you or just treat you like your their toy or something.

"Will you stop talking so much?", Shu says. "No I'm not talking a lot, I'm telling you to let go of me!" you say firmly trying to distract him so that you could pull his arms off of you but Shu figured this out and just sighed again. He turns you over so that you both can see each other face to face and then said, "Will you just shut up (y/n)?". 

But before you get to answer, he presses his lips onto yours. Shocked you didn't say anything or try to draw away from him. He pulls back from the brief kiss and looks at you, smirking. "You liked that didn't you?", he says and your mind comes out of shock. "No I did-", you say as he cuts you off and kisses you again, this time more deeply.

His hands move slowly from your hip up to where the material of the gown covered your breasts and started to massage it. You moan into the kiss and his lips pull away looking into your eyes. "Really? You look like you are. Such a lewd woman.", he says smirking.

"No I'm not" you groan loudly as he slips down your nightgown just so that it revealed both of your breasts and grabbed one and started to suck on it. You gasp in pleasure and arch your spine, throwing your head back. He chuckled darkly with delight and started to lick the nipple, causing you to purr like a cat. 

He quickly moved from one breast to the other, grazing it with his mouth. You put your arm around his neck and pull him in deeper, your mind drowned in lust. He gazed up at you, not expecting that to happen but glad that it did. 

He plucked your arms off of him and slipped off your nightgown completely, revealing your entire body to him. His mouth went to the wonderful space between your breasts and licked it with his tongue, burning a trail down to your sweet spot. He watched your reaction to it, every sigh every jerk from your hips and that face of yours. That face full of desire and want of dirty things. He wanted to see more of that face.

He released his tongue and pulled off your underwear slowly as you gaze at him in anticipation. He pulled off both his pants and boxers and positioned his shaft at the entrance of your womanhood. You looked at him with desire and begged with your eyes to do it. "Lewd woman", he whispered as he plunged into you, making you dig your nails into his shoulders at the sudden gain of indulgence.

"Shu" you panted loudly as he rammed into you, wave by wave. Shu grunted as he went into you harder, causing you to cry out. You gasped as you felt something hot and tight form in your stomach and landed back to shore as you came. Sooner Shu did too.

He laid on top of you as you both gulped for air. "Ready for round two?", he smirked.

I'll be updating tommarow for X-mas as a present. Love ya my candy's *throws kisses both air and chocolate*.

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