Comes and Goes

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Chapter 1
Hi I'm Harper, and this is my story.
''HARPER GET DOWN HERE NOW!!'', Dad boasted.
I ran down the stairs I looked at the clock 9.00am it showed.Not again this is second time this week I have been late.
''Harper, you better run quick,because Mrs.Donelly is not going to make it easy this time espically since you are the new kid.''Mum said firmly.
At school I made it before Mrs.Donelly did she was running late.
''Hiya Harper running late again?'', asked Abbie.
''Yeah why is something wrong? '' I wondred.
''No.'' but before Abbie could finsh her sentence Rona and Grania came into are litte chat (there are in me and Abbies group to)
''Hey girls what's up?'' said Rona
RING RING the bell went 1st period is .......... HE yeah.
''Come on guys lets go.''said Grania.
30 mins later
''Hi wats up Harper?'' asked Rona.
''Nothing but she is ignoring me.'' I said tearfully.
''Who is ignoring you? '' Rona wondred.
''it is ........ find out in Chapter 2 who is ignoring Harper

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