Untouchable (A Seth Clearwater/Twilight Fanfiction)

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As a vampire and an old one at that its hard for me to remember when i was born and much about my past. Though i can remember when i was changed around 1200 BC and my average age as 3,412 years old. My name was one thing that was clear to me, Adena Madrona though long was very sacred to me.

From what i can remember my mother was very kind and loved children while my father was a hard worker with a tough attitude but when he looked at me his heart would soften. Sometimes i have flashes of my past as a human and can see my mothers eyes watching me as a baby or my fathers rough calloused fingers stroking my cheek. I can never remember any other children in my life so i would have to guess i was an only child. I know my mothers name was Inara and my fathers was Golan and that they loved me very much.

It was 2 months or so after my 16th birthday that i was changed all though i cant remember much about how it happened. All i know is upon awakening i saw a man sitting next to me with long black hair and bright blood red eyes. He explained what i was and what i could be if i joined him and became part of his coven.  Not even an hour after i discovered what my abilities as a vampire were.

So for the next 2 thousand years i spent my time with Aro as he created his coven the Volturi. i massacred peoples families to live and killed innocent people for their blood. Then after the death of Didyme poor Marcus's mate and Aro's sister i left. Though i was very close to her as friends and almost sisters that wasn't the reason i left. I left because i knew the truth. But before i left i met a wonderful man named Carlisle and he showed me love and compassion i had never felt before.

So i moved on and stayed hidden in the mountains and changed the way i lived forcing myself to live of animal blood. In the end it wasn't that hard for me to changed because i had never even as a newborn had trouble controlling my thirst. I lived happily in solitude hidden from prying eyes until the day there was a knock on my front door.

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